.. _usage: ========== Usage ========== Execution and the BIDS format ============================= The general usage of ``bids_atlas`` is rather straightforward as it only requires the user to run the `download function` for the `atlas` they want to use and indicate the `respective space` and `resolution`. The exact command to run ``bids_atlas`` depends on the Installation method and user. Regarding the latter ``bids_atlas`` can either be used as a ``command line tool`` or directly within ``python``. Here's a very conceptual example of running ``bids_atlas`` via ``CLI``: :: bids_atlas path/ atlas_name optional_arguments and here from within ``python``: :: from bids_atlas.datasets import atlas_download_function path_to_atlas = atlas_download_function(path=download_path, optional_arguments) Below, we will focus on the ``CLI`` version. Thus, if you are interested in using ``bids_atlas`` directly within ``python``, please check the `Examples <../../>`_. Command-Line Arguments ====================== .. argparse:: :ref: bids_atlas.bids_atlas_cli.get_parser :prog: bids_atlas :nodefault: :nodefaultconst: Example Call(s) --------------- Below you'll find two examples calls that hopefully help you to familiarize yourself with ``bids_atlas`` and its options. Example 1 ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash bids_atlas \ /home/user/ AAL Here's what's in this call: - The 1st positional argument is the directory the user wants to store the atlas in (``/home/user``) - The 2nd positional argument specifies which atlas should be downloaded. Here we choose the ``AAL`` atlas. As we didn't specify the ``target_space`` and ``--resolution`` arguments, the ``atlas`` will be provided in the default specification which are ``MNI152NLin6Asym` regarding the ``space`` and ``2mm`` regarding the resolution. Example 2 ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash bids_atlas \ /home/user/ \ Schaefer100 \ --resolution 1 Here's what's in this call: - The 1st positional argument is the directory the user wants to store the atlas in (``/home/user``) - The 2nd positional argument specifies which atlas should be downloaded. Here we choose the ``Schaefer100`` atlas. - The 3rd positional argument specifies the resolution the atlas should be provided in. Here ``1mm``. Support and communication ========================= The documentation of this project is found here: https://peerherholz.github.io/bids_atlas. All bugs, concerns and enhancement requests for this software can be submitted here: https://github.com/peerherholz/bids_atlas/issues. If you have a problem or would like to ask a question about how to use ``bids_atlas``, please submit a question to `NeuroStars.org `_ with an ``bids_atlas`` tag. NeuroStars.org is a platform similar to StackOverflow but dedicated to neuroinformatics. All previous ``bids_atlas`` questions are available here: http://neurostars.org/tags/bids_atlas/ Not running on a local machine? - Data transfer =============================================== Please contact you local system administrator regarding possible and favourable transfer options (e.g., `rsync `_ or `FileZilla `_). A very comprehensive approach would be `Datalad `_, which will handle data transfers with the appropriate settings and commands. Datalad also performs version control over your data.