============ Installation ============ In general, there are two distinct ways to install and use ``bids_bep16_conv``: either through virtualization/container technology, that is `Docker`_ or `Singularity`_, or in a `Bare metal version (Python 3.8+)`_. Using a container method is highly recommended as they entail entire operating systems through kernel level virtualization and thus include all software necessary to run ``bids_bep16_conv``, while at the same time presenting a lightweight alternative to virtual machines. Once you are ready to run ``bids_bep16_conv``, see `Usage <./usage.rst>`_ for details. Docker ====== In order to run ```bids_bep16_conv``` in a Docker container, Docker must be `installed `_ on your system. Once Docker is installed, you can get ``bids_bep16_conv`` through running one of the following commands in the terminal of your choice. Option 1: pulling from the `dockerhub registry `_ : .. code-block:: bash docker pull peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:version Option 2: pulling from the `github container registry `_ : .. code-block:: bash docker pull ghcr.io/peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:version Where ``version`` is the specific version of ``bids_bep16_conv`` you would like to use. For example, if you want to employ the ``latest``/most up to date ``version`` you can either run .. code-block:: bash docker pull peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:latest .. code-block:: bash docker pull ghcr.io/peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:latest or the same command withouth the ``:latest`` tag, as ``Docker`` searches for the ``latest`` tag by default. However, as the ``latest`` version is subject to changes and not necessarily in synch with the most recent ``numbered version``, it is recommend to utilize the latter to ensure reproducibility. For example, if you want to employ ``bids_bep16_conv v0.0.1`` the command would look as follows: .. code-block:: bash docker pull peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:v0.0.1 .. code-block:: bash docker pull ghcr.io/peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:v0.0.1 After the command finished (it may take a while depending on your internet connection), you can run ``bids_bep16_conv`` like this: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run -ti --rm \ -v path/to/your/bids_dataset:/bids_dataset:ro \ peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:latest \ /bids_dataset \ participant \ --participant_label label \ --software dipy \ --analysis DTI \ Please have a look at the examples under `Usage <./usage.rst>`_ to get more information about and familiarize yourself with ``bids_bep16_conv``'s functionality. Singularity =========== For security reasons, many HPCs (e.g., TACC) do not allow Docker containers, but support allow `Singularity `_ containers. Depending on the ``Singularity`` version available to you, there are two options to get ``bids_bep16_conv`` as a ``Singularity image``. Preparing a Singularity image (Singularity version >= 2.5) ---------------------------------------------------------- If the version of Singularity on your HPC is modern enough you can create a ``Singularity image`` directly on the HCP. This is as simple as: .. code-block:: bash $ singularity build /my_images/bids_bep16_conv-.simg docker://peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv: Where ```` should be replaced with the desired version of ``bids_bep16_conv`` that you want to download. For example, if you want to use ``bids_bep16_conv v0.0.4``, the command would look as follows. .. code-block:: bash $ singularity build /my_images/bids_bep16_conv-v0.0.4.simg docker://peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:v0.0.4 Preparing a Singularity image (Singularity version < 2.5) --------------------------------------------------------- In this case, start with a machine (e.g., your personal computer) with ``Docker`` installed and the use `docker2singularity `_ to create a ``Singularity image``. You will need an active internet connection and some time. .. code-block:: bash $ docker run --privileged -t --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /absolute/path/to/output/folder:/output \ singularityware/docker2singularity \ peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv: Where ```` should be replaced with the desired version of ```bids_bep16_conv``` that you want to download and ``/absolute/path/to/output/folder`` with the absolute path where the created ``Singularity image`` should be stored. Sticking with the example of ``bids_bep16_conv v0.0.4`` this would look as follows: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run --privileged -t --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /absolute/path/to/output/folder:/output \ singularityware/docker2singularity \ peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv:v0.0.4 Beware of the back slashes, expected for Windows systems. The above command would translate to Windows systems as follows: .. code-block:: bash $ docker run --privileged -t --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v D:\host\path\where\to\output\singularity\image:/output \ singularityware/docker2singularity \ peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv: You can then transfer the resulting ``Singularity image`` to the HPC, for example, using ``scp``. :: $ scp peerherholz_bids_bep16_conv.simg @:/my_images Where ```` should be replaced with the version of ``bids_bep16_conv`` that you used to create the ``Singularity image``, ```` with your ``user name`` on the HPC and ```` with the address of the HPC. Running a Singularity Image --------------------------- If the data to be preprocessed is also on the HPC, you are ready to run bids_bep16_conv. .. code-block:: bash $ singularity run --cleanenv /my_images/bids_bep16_conv-.simg \ path/to/your/bids_dataset \ participant \ --participant_label label \ --software dipy \ --analysis DTI \ .. note:: Make sure to check the name of the created ``Singularity image`` as that might diverge based on the method you used. Here and going forward it is assumed that you used ``Singularity >= 2.5`` and thus ``bids_bep16_conv-.simg`` instead of ``peerherholz_bids_bep16_conv.simg``. .. note:: Singularity by default `exposes all environment variables from the host inside the container `_. Because of this your host libraries (such as nipype) could be accidentally used instead of the ones inside the container - if they are included in ``PYTHONPATH``. To avoid such situation we recommend using the ``--cleanenv`` singularity flag in production use. For example: :: $ singularity run --cleanenv /my_images/bids_bep16_conv-.simg \ path/to/your/bids_dataset \ participant \ --participant-label label \ --software dipy \ --analysis DTI or, unset the ``PYTHONPATH`` variable before running: :: $ unset PYTHONPATH; singularity /my_images/bids_bep16_conv-.simg \ path/to/your/bids_dataset \ participant \ --participant-label label \ --software dipy \ --analysis DTI .. note:: Depending on how ``Singularity`` is configured on your cluster it might or might not automatically ``bind`` (``mount`` or ``expose``) ``host folders`` to the container. If this is not done automatically you will need to ``bind`` the necessary folders using the ``-B :`` ``Singularity`` argument. For example: :: $ singularity run --cleanenv -B path/to/bids_dataset/on_host:/bids_dataset \ /my_images/bids_bep16_conv-.simg \ bids_dataset \ participant \ --participant-label label \ --software dipy \ --analysis DTI Bare metal version (Python 3.8+) =========================================== ``bids_bep16_conv`` is written using Python 3.8 (or above). Until the first official version/release will be provided, `bids_bep16_conv`'s bare metal version can be installed by opening a terminal and running the following: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/peerherholz/bids_bep16_conv.git cd bids_bep16_conv pip install . Please note that you need to have at least `Python 3.8` installed. Check your installation with the ``--version`` argument: .. code-block:: bash $ bids_bep16_conv --version