
bids_bep16_conv.datasets.get_HBN_qc(dataset_path=None, return_df=False)[source]

Download the QSIprep’s participants.tsv file obtained for the HBN dataset from S3. This file contains important QC measure that are used to define example participants for BIDS BEP-16.

  • dataset_path (string) – Path where the file will be saved. If None, the file will be saved in the current working directory. Default = None.

  • return_df (bool) – Indicate if the function should return the path to the downloaded file or a Pandas DataFrame containing the file’s content. Default = False.


qsi_qc_file_local – Either a PosixPath indicating the path to the downloaded file or a Pandas DataFrame. Dependent on the return_df argument.

Return type:

PosixPath or Pandas DataFrame


Download the file without specifying a path and not loading it into a Pandas DataFrame.

>>> get_HBN_qc(dataset_path=None, return_df=False)

Download the file, specifying a path and loading it into a Pandas DataFrame.

>>> get_HBN_qc(dataset_path='/home/user/Desktop', return_df=True)