
In general, there are two distinct ways to install and use BIDSonym: either through virtualization/container technology, that is Docker or Singularity, or in a Bare metal version (Python 3.6+). Using a container method is highly recommended as they entail entire operating systems through kernel level virtualization and thus include all software necessary to run BIDSonym, while at the same time presenting a lightweight alternative to virtual machines. Once you are ready to run BIDSonym, see Usage for details.


In order to run `BIDSonym` in a Docker container, Docker must be installed on your system. Once Docker is installed, you can get BIDSonym through running the following command in the terminal of your choice:

docker pull peerherholz/bidsonym:version

Where version is the specific version of BIDSonym you would like to use. For example, if you want to employ the latest/most up to date version you can either run

docker pull peerherholz/bidsonym:latest

or the same command without the :latest tag, as Docker searches for the latest tag by default. However, as the latest version is subject to changes and not necessarily in synch with the most recent numbered version, it is recommend to utilize the latter to ensure reproducibility. For example, if you want to employ BIDSonym v0.0.4 the command would look as follows:

docker pull peerherholz/bidsonym:v0.0.4


As of November 2020, images older than 6 months will be deleted from Dockerhub. As this is very problematic for everything reproducibility and version control, every version of the BIDSonym images are additionally uploaded on OSF and can be installed as outlined further below.

After the command finished (it may take a while depending on your internet connection), you can run BIDSonym like this:

$ docker run -ti --rm \
    -v path/to/your/bids_dataset:/bids_dataset:ro \
    peerherholz/bidsonym:latest \
    /bids_dataset \
    participant \
    --participant_label label \
    --deid defacing_algorithm \

Please have a look at the examples under Usage to get more information about and familiarize yourself with BIDSonym’s functionality.


For security reasons, many HPCs (e.g., TACC) do not allow Docker containers, but support allow Singularity containers. Depending on the Singularity version available to you, there are two options to get BIDSonym as a Singularity image.

Preparing a Singularity image (Singularity version >= 2.5)

If the version of Singularity on your HPC is modern enough you can create a Singularity image directly on the HCP. This is as simple as:

$ singularity build /my_images/bidsonym-<version>.simg docker://peerherholz/bidsonym:<version>

Where <version> should be replaced with the desired version of BIDSonym that you want to download. For example, if you want to use BIDSonym v0.0.4, the command would look as follows.

$ singularity build /my_images/bidsonym-v0.0.4.simg docker://peerherholz/bidsonym:v0.0.4

Preparing a Singularity image (Singularity version < 2.5)

In this case, start with a machine (e.g., your personal computer) with Docker installed and the use docker2singularity to create a Singularity image. You will need an active internet connection and some time.

$ docker run --privileged -t --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v /absolute/path/to/output/folder:/output \
    singularityware/docker2singularity \

Where <version> should be replaced with the desired version of `BIDSonym` that you want to download and /absolute/path/to/output/folder with the absolute path where the created Singularity image should be stored. Sticking with the example of BIDSonym v0.0.4 this would look as follows:

$ docker run --privileged -t --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v /absolute/path/to/output/folder:/output \
    singularityware/docker2singularity \

Beware of the back slashes, expected for Windows systems. The above command would translate to Windows systems as follows:

$ docker run --privileged -t --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v D:\host\path\where\to\output\singularity\image:/output \
    singularityware/docker2singularity \

You can then transfer the resulting Singularity image to the HPC, for example, using scp.

$ scp peerherholz_bidsonym<version>.simg <user>@<>:/my_images

Where <version> should be replaced with the version of `BIDSonym` that you used to create the Singularity image, <user> with your user name on the HPC and <> with the address of the HPC.

Running a Singularity Image

If the data to be preprocessed is also on the HPC, you are ready to run bidsonym.

$ singularity run --cleanenv /my_images/bidsonym-<version>.simg \
    path/to/your/bids_dataset \
    participant \
    --participant-label label \
    --deid defacing_algorithm


Make sure to check the name of the created Singularity image as that might diverge based on the method you used. Here and going forward it is assumed that you used Singularity >= 2.5 and thus bidsonym-<version>.simg instead of peerherholz_bidsonym<version>.simg.


Singularity by default exposes all environment variables from the host inside the container. Because of this your host libraries (such as nipype) could be accidentally used instead of the ones inside the container - if they are included in PYTHONPATH. To avoid such situation we recommend using the --cleanenv singularity flag in production use. For example:

$ singularity run --cleanenv /my_images/bidsonym-<version>.simg \
    path/to/your/bids_dataset \
    participant \
    --participant-label label \
    --deid defacing_algorithm

or, unset the PYTHONPATH variable before running:

$ unset PYTHONPATH; singularity /my_images/bidsonym-<version>.simg \
    path/to/your/bids_dataset \
    participant \
    --participant-label label \
    --deid defacing_algorithm


Depending on how Singularity is configured on your cluster it might or might not automatically bind (mount or expose) host folders to the container. If this is not done automatically you will need to bind the necessary folders using the -B <host_folder>:<container_folder> Singularity argument. For example:

$ singularity run --cleanenv -B path/to/bids_dataset/on_host:/bids_dataset \
    /my_images/bidsonym-<version>.simg \
    bids_dataset \
    participant \
    --participant-label label \
    --deid defacing_algorithm

Bare metal version (Python 3.6+)


This method is not recommended! Make sure you would rather do this than use a Docker or a Singularity.

Make sure all of BIDSonym’s External Dependencies are installed. These tools must be installed and their binaries available in the system’s $PATH. A relatively interpretable description of how your environment can be set-up is found in the Dockerfile.

On a functional Python 3.6 (or above) environment with pip installed, BIDSonym can be installed using the habitual command:

$ pip install bidsonym

Check your installation with the --version argument:

$ bidsonym --version

External Dependencies

BIDSonym is written using Python 3.6 (or above). It requires some other neuroimaging software tools that are not handled by the Python’s packaging system (Pypi) used to deploy the BIDSonym package:

Previous image versions on OSF

As mentioned above, Dockerhub introduced the deletion of images older than 6 months. Thus all previous versions of the BIDSonym Docker image can be found on OSF. After downloading and unzipping your desired version, images be made available and ready to run via:

$ docker import bidsonym_version_vX.Y.Z.tar

where XYZ is the version you downloaded, for example assuming BIDSonym v0.0.4:

$ docker import bidsonym_version_v0.0.4.tar