Introduction to Python


Introduction to Python#

Before we get started 1…#

Objectives 📍#

  • learn basic and efficient usage of the python programming language

    • what is python & how to utilize it

    • building blocks of & operations in python

What is Python?#

  • Python is a programming language

  • Specifically, it’s a widely used/very flexible, high-level, general-purpose, dynamic programming language

  • That’s a mouthful! Let’s explore each of these points in more detail…


  • Python is the fastest-growing major programming language

  • Top 3 overall (with JavaScript, Java)


Python features a high level of abstraction

  • Many operations that are explicit in lower-level languages (e.g., C/C++) are implicit in Python

  • E.g., memory allocation, garbage collection, etc.

  • Python lets you write code faster

File reading in Java#

public class ReadFile {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
        String fileContents = readEntireFile("./foo.txt");
    private static String readEntireFile(String filename) throws IOException {
        FileReader in = new FileReader(filename);
        StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
        char[] buffer = new char[4096];
        int read = 0;
        do {
            contents.append(buffer, 0, read);
            read =;
        } while (read >= 0);
        return contents.toString();

File-reading in Python#



You can do almost everything in Python

  • Comprehensive standard library

  • Enormous ecosystem of third-party packages

  • Widely used in many areas of software development (web, dev-ops, data science, etc.)


Code is interpreted at run-time

  • No compilation process*; code is read line-by-line when executed

  • Eliminates delays between development and execution

  • The downside: poorer performance compared to compiled languages

(Try typing import antigravity into a new cell and running it!)

What we will do in this section of the course is a short introduction to Python to help beginners to get familiar with this programming language.

It is divided into the following chapters:

Here’s what we will focus on in the first block:


Most of the functionality in Python is provided by modules. To use a module in a Python program it first has to be imported. A module can be imported using the import statement.

For example, to import the module math, which contains many standard mathematical functions, we can do:

import math

This includes the whole module and makes it available for use later in the program. For example, we can do:

import math

x = math.cos(2 * math.pi)


Importing the whole module us often times unnecessary and can lead to longer loading time or increase the memory consumption. An alternative to the previous method, we can also choose to import only a few selected functions from a module by explicitly listing which ones we want to import:

from math import cos, pi

x = cos(2 * pi)


You can make use of tab again to get a list of functions/classes/etc. for a given module. Try it out via navigating the cursor behind the import statement and press tab:

from math import 

Comparably you can also use the help function to find out more about a given module:

import math
Help on module math:


    The following documentation is automatically generated from the Python
    source files.  It may be incomplete, incorrect or include features that
    are considered implementation detail and may vary between Python
    implementations.  When in doubt, consult the module reference at the
    location listed above.

    This module provides access to the mathematical functions
    defined by the C standard.

    acos(x, /)
        Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x.
        The result is between 0 and pi.
    acosh(x, /)
        Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
    asin(x, /)
        Return the arc sine (measured in radians) of x.
        The result is between -pi/2 and pi/2.
    asinh(x, /)
        Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
    atan(x, /)
        Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of x.
        The result is between -pi/2 and pi/2.
    atan2(y, x, /)
        Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of y/x.
        Unlike atan(y/x), the signs of both x and y are considered.
    atanh(x, /)
        Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
    ceil(x, /)
        Return the ceiling of x as an Integral.
        This is the smallest integer >= x.
    comb(n, k, /)
        Number of ways to choose k items from n items without repetition and without order.
        Evaluates to n! / (k! * (n - k)!) when k <= n and evaluates
        to zero when k > n.
        Also called the binomial coefficient because it is equivalent
        to the coefficient of k-th term in polynomial expansion of the
        expression (1 + x)**n.
        Raises TypeError if either of the arguments are not integers.
        Raises ValueError if either of the arguments are negative.
    copysign(x, y, /)
        Return a float with the magnitude (absolute value) of x but the sign of y.
        On platforms that support signed zeros, copysign(1.0, -0.0)
        returns -1.0.
    cos(x, /)
        Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).
    cosh(x, /)
        Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.
    degrees(x, /)
        Convert angle x from radians to degrees.
    dist(p, q, /)
        Return the Euclidean distance between two points p and q.
        The points should be specified as sequences (or iterables) of
        coordinates.  Both inputs must have the same dimension.
        Roughly equivalent to:
            sqrt(sum((px - qx) ** 2.0 for px, qx in zip(p, q)))
    erf(x, /)
        Error function at x.
    erfc(x, /)
        Complementary error function at x.
    exp(x, /)
        Return e raised to the power of x.
    expm1(x, /)
        Return exp(x)-1.
        This function avoids the loss of precision involved in the direct evaluation of exp(x)-1 for small x.
    fabs(x, /)
        Return the absolute value of the float x.
    factorial(x, /)
        Find x!.
        Raise a ValueError if x is negative or non-integral.
    floor(x, /)
        Return the floor of x as an Integral.
        This is the largest integer <= x.
    fmod(x, y, /)
        Return fmod(x, y), according to platform C.
        x % y may differ.
    frexp(x, /)
        Return the mantissa and exponent of x, as pair (m, e).
        m is a float and e is an int, such that x = m * 2.**e.
        If x is 0, m and e are both 0.  Else 0.5 <= abs(m) < 1.0.
    fsum(seq, /)
        Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable seq.
        Assumes IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic.
    gamma(x, /)
        Gamma function at x.
        Greatest Common Divisor.
        hypot(*coordinates) -> value
        Multidimensional Euclidean distance from the origin to a point.
        Roughly equivalent to:
            sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in coordinates))
        For a two dimensional point (x, y), gives the hypotenuse
        using the Pythagorean theorem:  sqrt(x*x + y*y).
        For example, the hypotenuse of a 3/4/5 right triangle is:
            >>> hypot(3.0, 4.0)
    isclose(a, b, *, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0)
        Determine whether two floating point numbers are close in value.
            maximum difference for being considered "close", relative to the
            magnitude of the input values
            maximum difference for being considered "close", regardless of the
            magnitude of the input values
        Return True if a is close in value to b, and False otherwise.
        For the values to be considered close, the difference between them
        must be smaller than at least one of the tolerances.
        -inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard.  That
        is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself.  inf and -inf are
        only close to themselves.
    isfinite(x, /)
        Return True if x is neither an infinity nor a NaN, and False otherwise.
    isinf(x, /)
        Return True if x is a positive or negative infinity, and False otherwise.
    isnan(x, /)
        Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise.
    isqrt(n, /)
        Return the integer part of the square root of the input.
        Least Common Multiple.
    ldexp(x, i, /)
        Return x * (2**i).
        This is essentially the inverse of frexp().
    lgamma(x, /)
        Natural logarithm of absolute value of Gamma function at x.
        log(x, [base=math.e])
        Return the logarithm of x to the given base.
        If the base not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x.
    log10(x, /)
        Return the base 10 logarithm of x.
    log1p(x, /)
        Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e).
        The result is computed in a way which is accurate for x near zero.
    log2(x, /)
        Return the base 2 logarithm of x.
    modf(x, /)
        Return the fractional and integer parts of x.
        Both results carry the sign of x and are floats.
    nextafter(x, y, /)
        Return the next floating-point value after x towards y.
    perm(n, k=None, /)
        Number of ways to choose k items from n items without repetition and with order.
        Evaluates to n! / (n - k)! when k <= n and evaluates
        to zero when k > n.
        If k is not specified or is None, then k defaults to n
        and the function returns n!.
        Raises TypeError if either of the arguments are not integers.
        Raises ValueError if either of the arguments are negative.
    pow(x, y, /)
        Return x**y (x to the power of y).
    prod(iterable, /, *, start=1)
        Calculate the product of all the elements in the input iterable.
        The default start value for the product is 1.
        When the iterable is empty, return the start value.  This function is
        intended specifically for use with numeric values and may reject
        non-numeric types.
    radians(x, /)
        Convert angle x from degrees to radians.
    remainder(x, y, /)
        Difference between x and the closest integer multiple of y.
        Return x - n*y where n*y is the closest integer multiple of y.
        In the case where x is exactly halfway between two multiples of
        y, the nearest even value of n is used. The result is always exact.
    sin(x, /)
        Return the sine of x (measured in radians).
    sinh(x, /)
        Return the hyperbolic sine of x.
    sqrt(x, /)
        Return the square root of x.
    tan(x, /)
        Return the tangent of x (measured in radians).
    tanh(x, /)
        Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.
    trunc(x, /)
        Truncates the Real x to the nearest Integral toward 0.
        Uses the __trunc__ magic method.
    ulp(x, /)
        Return the value of the least significant bit of the float x.

    e = 2.718281828459045
    inf = inf
    nan = nan
    pi = 3.141592653589793
    tau = 6.283185307179586


It is also possible to give an imported module or symbol your own access name with the as additional:

import numpy as np
from math import pi as number_pi

x  = np.rad2deg(number_pi)


You can basically provide any name (given it’s following python/coding conventions) but focusing on intelligibility won’t be the worst idea:

import matplotlib as pineapple

Exercise 1.1#

Import the max from numpy and find out what it does.

# write your solution in this code cell
from numpy import max

Exercise 1.2#

Import the scipy package and assign the access name middle_earth and check its functions.

# write your solution in this code cell
import scipy as middle_earth

Exercise 1.3#

What happens when we try to import a module that is either misspelled or doesn’t exist in our environment or at all?

  1. python provides us a hint that the module name might be misspelled

  2. we’ll get an error telling us that the module doesn’t exist

  3. python automatically searches for the module and if it exists downloads/installs it

import welovethisschool

Namespaces and imports#

  • Python is very serious about maintaining orderly namespaces

  • If you want to use some code outside the current scope, you need to explicitly “import” it

  • Python’s import system often annoys beginners, but it substantially increases code clarity

    • Almost completely eliminates naming conflicts and confusion

Help and Descriptions#

Using the function help we can get a description of almost all functions.

Help on built-in function log in module math:

    log(x, [base=math.e])
    Return the logarithm of x to the given base.
    If the base not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x.
math.log(10, 2)

Variables and data types#

  • in programming variables are things that store values

  • in Python, we declare a variable by assigning it a value with the = sign

    • name = value

    • code variables != math variables

      • in mathematics = refers to equality (statement of truth), e.g. y = 10x + 2

      • in coding = refers to assignments, e.g. x = x + 1

    • Variables are pointers, not data stores!

  • Python supports a variety of data types and structures:

    • booleans

    • numbers (ints, floats, etc.)

    • strings

    • lists

    • dictionaries

    • many others!

  • We don’t specify a variable’s type at assignment

Symbol names#

Variable names in Python can contain alphanumerical characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and some special characters such as _. Normal variable names must start with a letter.

By convention, variable names start with a lower-case letter, and Class names start with a capital letter.

In addition, there are a number of Python keywords that cannot be used as variable names. These keywords are:

and, as, assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, except, exec, finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, not, or, pass, print, raise, return, try, while, with, yield


(Not an homework assignment but the operator in python.)

The assignment operator in Python is =. Python is a dynamically typed language, so we do not need to specify the type of a variable when we create one.

Assigning a value to a new variable creates the variable:

x = 1.0

Again, this does not mean that x equals 1 but that the variable x has the value 1. Thus, our variable x is stored in the respective namespace:


This means that we can directly utilize the value of our variable:

x + 3

Although not explicitly specified, a variable does have a type associated with it. The type is derived from the value it was assigned.


If we assign a new value to a variable, its type can change.

x = 1

This outline one further very important characteristic of python (and many other programming languages): variables can be directly overwritten by assigning them a new value. We don’t get an error like “This namespace is already taken.” Thus, always remember/keep track of what namespaces were already used to avoid unintentional deletions/errors (reproducibility/replicability much?).

ring_bearer = 'Bilbo'
ring_bearer = 'Frodo'

If we try to use a variable that has not yet been defined we get an NameError (Note for later sessions, that we will use in the notebooks try/except blocks to handle the exception, so the notebook doesn’t stop. The code below will try to execute print function and if the NameError occurs the error message will be printed. Otherwise, an error will be raised. You will learn more about exception handling later.):

except(NameError) as err:
    print("NameError", err)
NameError name 'Peer' is not defined

Variable names:

  • Can include letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores ( _ )

  • Cannot start with a digit

  • Are case sensitive (questions: where did “lower/upper case” originate?)

This means that, for example:

  • shire0 is a valid variable name, whereas 0shire is not

  • shire and Shire are different variables

Exercise 2.1#

Create the following variables n_elves, n_dwarfs, n_humans with the respective values 3, 7.0 and nine.

# write your solution here
n_elves = 3
n_dwarfs = 7.0
n_humans = "nine"

Exercise 2.2#

What’s the output of n_elves + n_dwarfs?

  1. n_elves + n_dwarfs

  2. 10

  3. 10.0

n_elves + n_dwarfs

Exercise 2.3#

Consider the following lines of code.

ring_bearer = 'Gollum'
ring_bearer = 'Bilbo'

What is the final output?

  1. 'Bilbo'

  2. 'Gollum'

  3. neither, the variable got deleted

ring_bearer = 'Gollum'
ring_bearer = 'Bilbo'

Fundamental types & data structures#

  • Most code requires more complex structures built out of basic data types

  • data type refers to the value that is assigned to a variable

  • Python provides built-in support for many common structures

    • Many additional structures can be found in the collections module

Most of the time you’ll encounter the following data types

  • integers (e.g. 1, 42, 180)

  • floating-point numbers (e.g. 1.0, 42.42, 180.90)

  • strings (e.g. "Rivendell", "Weathertop")

  • Boolean (True, False)

If you’re unsure about the data type of a given variable, you can always use the type() command.


Lets check out the different data types in more detail, starting with integers. Intergers are natural numbers that can be signed (e.g. 1, 42, 180, -1, -42, -180).

x = 1
n_nazgul = 9
remaining_rings = -1

Floating-point numbers#

So what’s the difference to floating-point numbers? Floating-point numbers are decimal-point number that can be signed (e.g. 1.0, 42.42, 180.90, -1.0, -42.42, -180.90).

x_float = 1.0
n_nazgul_float = 9.0
remaining_rings_float = -1.0


Next up: strings. Strings are basically text elements, from letters to words to sentences all can be/are strings in python. In order to define a string, Python needs quotation marks, more precisely strings start and end with quotation marks, e.g. "Rivendell". You can choose between " and ' as both will work (NB: python will put ' around strings even if you specified "). However, it is recommended to decide on one and be consistent.

location = "Weathertop"
abbreviation = 'LOTR'
book_one = "The fellowship of the ring"


How about some Booleans? At this point it gets a bit more “abstract”. While there are many possible numbers and strings, a Boolean can only have one of two values: True or False. That is, a Boolean says something about whether something is the case or not. It’s easier to understand with some examples. First try the type() function with a Boolean as an argument.

b1 = True
b2 = False
lotr_is_awesome = True

Interestingly, True and False also have numeric values! True has a value of 1 and False has a value of 0.

True + True
False + False

Converting data types#

As mentioned before the data type is not set when assigning a value to a variable but determined based on its properties. Additionally, the data type of a given value can also be changed via set of functions.

  • int() -> convert the value of a variable to an integer

  • float() -> convert the value of a variable to a floating-point number

  • str() -> convert the value of a variable to a string

  • bool() -> convert the value of a variable to a Boolean

Exercise 3.1#

Define the following variables with the respective values and data types: fellowship_n_humans with a value of two as a float, fellowship_n_hobbits with a value of four as a string and fellowship_n_elves with a value of one as an integer.

# write your solution here
fellowship_n_humans = 2.0
fellowship_n_hobbits = 'four'
fellowship_n_elves = 1
Exercise 3.2#

What outcome would you expect based on the following lines of code?

  1. True - False

  2. type(True)

  1. 1

  2. bool

Exercise 3.3#

Define two variables, fellowship_n_dwarfs with a value of one as a string and fellowship_n_wizards with a value of one as a float. Subsequently, change the data type of fellowship_n_dwarfs to integer and the data type of fellowship_n_wizard to string.

fellowship_n_dwarfs = 1.0
fellowship_n_wizards = '1.0'

Why do programming/science in Python?#

Lets go through some advantages of the python programming language.

Easy to learn#

  • Readable, explicit syntax

  • Most packages are very well documented

    • e.g., scikit-learn’s documentation is widely held up as a model

  • A huge number of tutorials, guides, and other educational materials

Comprehensive standard library#

  • The Python standard library contains a huge number of high-quality modules

  • When in doubt, check the standard library first before you write your own tools!

  • For example:

    • os: operating system tools

    • re: regular expressions

    • collections: useful data structures

    • multiprocessing: simple parallelization tools

    • pickle: serialization

    • json: reading and writing JSON

Exceptional external libraries#

  • Python has very good (often best-in-class) external packages for almost everything

  • Particularly important for “data science”, which draws on a very broad toolkit

  • Package management is easy (conda, pip)

  • Examples:

    • Web development: flask, Django

    • Database ORMs: SQLAlchemy, Django ORM (w/ adapters for all major DBs)

    • Scraping/parsing text/markup: beautifulsoup, scrapy

    • Natural language processing (NLP): nltk, gensim, textblob

    • Numerical computation and data analysis: numpy, scipy, pandas, xarray, statsmodels, pingouin

    • Machine learning: scikit-learn, Tensorflow, keras

    • Image processing: pillow, scikit-image, OpenCV

    • audio processing: librosa, pyaudio

    • Plotting: matplotlib, seaborn, altair, ggplot, Bokeh

    • GUI development: pyQT, wxPython

    • Testing: py.test

    • Etc. etc. etc.

(Relatively) good performance#

  • Python is a high-level dynamic language — this comes at a performance cost

  • For many (not all!) use cases, performance is irrelevant most of the time

  • In general, the less Python code you write yourself, the better your performance will be

    • Much of the standard library consists of Python interfaces to C functions

    • Numpy, scikit-learn, etc. all rely heavily on C/C++ or Fortran

Python vs. other data science languages#

  • Python competes for mind share with many other languages

  • Most notably, R

  • To a lesser extent, Matlab, Mathematica, SAS, Julia, Java, Scala, etc.


  • R is dominant in traditional statistics and some fields of science

    • Has attracted many SAS, SPSS, and Stata users

  • Exceptional statistics support; hundreds of best-in-class libraries

  • Designed to make data analysis and visualization as easy as possible

  • Slow

  • Language quirks drive many experienced software developers crazy

  • Less support for most things non-data-related


  • A proprietary numerical computing language widely used by engineers

  • Good performance and very active development, but expensive

  • Closed ecosystem, relatively few third-party libraries

    • There is an open-source port (Octave)

  • Not suitable for use as a general-purpose language

So, why Python?#

Why choose Python over other languages?

  • Arguably none of these offers the same combination of readability, flexibility, libraries, and performance

  • Python is sometimes described as “the second best language for everything”

  • Doesn’t mean you should always use Python

    • Depends on your needs, community, etc.

You can have your cake and eat it!#

  • Many languages—particularly R—now interface seamlessly with Python

  • You can work primarily in Python, fall back on R when you need it (or vice versa)

  • The best of all possible worlds?

The core Python “data science” stack#

  • The Python ecosystem contains tens of thousands of packages

  • Several are very widely used in data science applications:

  • We’ll cover the first three very briefly here

    • Other tutorials will go into greater detail on most of the others

The core “Python for psychology/neuroscience” stack#

  • The Python ecosystem contains tens of thousands of packages

  • Several are very widely used in psychology research:

    • Jupyter: interactive notebooks

    • Numpy: numerical computing in Python

    • pandas: data structures for Python

    • Scipy: scientific Python tools

    • Matplotlib: plotting in Python

    • seaborn: plotting in Python

    • scikit-learn: machine learning in Python

    • statsmodels: statistical analyses in Python

    • pingouin: statistical analyses in Python

    • psychopy: running experiments in Python

    • nilearn: brain imaging analyses in `Python``

    • mne: electrophysiology analyses in Python

  • Execept scikit-learn, nilearn and mne, we’ll cover all very briefly in this course

    • there are many free tutorials online that will go into greater detail and also cover the other packages

Introduction to Python II#

Here’s what we will focus on in the second block.

Objectives 📍#

  • learn basic and efficient usage of the python programming language

    • building blocks of & operations in python

    • operators & comparisons

    • strings, lists, tuples & dictionaries

Recap of the prior section#

Before we dive into new endeavors, it might be important to briefly recap the things we’ve talked about so far. Specifically, we will do this to evaluate if everyone’s roughly on the same page. Thus, if some of the aspects within the recap are either new or fuzzy to you, please have a quick look at the respective part of the last section again and as usual: ask questions wherever something is not clear.

What is Python?#

  • Python is a programming language

  • Specifically, it’s a widely used/very flexible, high-level, general-purpose, dynamic programming language

  • That’s a mouthful! Let’s explore each of these points in more detail…


Most of the functionality in Python is provided by modules. To use a module in a Python program it first has to be imported. A module can be imported using the import statement.

Assuming you want to import the entire pandas module to do some data exploration, wrangling and statistics, how would you do that?

# Pleae write your solution in this cell
import pandas

As this might be a bit hard to navigate, specifically for finding/referencing functions. Thus, it might be a good idea to provide a respective access name. For example, could you show how you would provide the pandas module the access name pd?

# Please write your solution in this cell
import pandas as pd

During your analyzes you recognize that some of the analyses you want to run require functions from the statistics module pingouin. Is there a way to only import the functions you want from this module, e.g. the wilcoxon test?

# Please write your solution in this cell
from pingouin import wolcoxon

Variables and data types#

  • in programming variables are things that store values

  • in Python, we declare a variable by assigning it a value with the = sign

    • name = value

    • code variables != math variables

      • in mathematics = refers to equality (statement of truth), e.g. y = 10x + 2

      • in coding = refers to assignments, e.g. x = x + 1

    • Variables are pointers, not data stores!

  • Python supports a variety of data types and structures:

    • booleans

    • numbers (ints, floats, etc.)

    • strings

    • lists

    • dictionaries

    • many others!

  • We don’t specify a variable’s type at assignment


(Not an homework assignment but the operator in python.)

The assignment operator in Python is =. Python is a dynamically typed language, so we do not need to specify the type of a variable when we create one.

Assigning a value to a new variable creates the variable:

Within your analyzes you need to create a variable called n_students and assign it the value 21, how would that work?

# Please write your solution in this cell
n_students = 21

Quickly after you realize that the value should actually be 20. What options do you have to change the value of this variable?

# Please write your solution in this cell
n_students = 20
n_students = n_students - 1

During the analyzes you noticed that the data type of n_students changed. How can you find out the data type?

# Please write your solution in this cell

Is there a way to change the data type of n_students to something else, e.g. float?

# Please write your solution in this cell

Along the way you want to create another variable, this time called acquisition_time and the value December. How would we do that and what data type would that be?

import pandas as pd
# Please write your solution here
acquisition_time = "December"

As a final step you want to create two variables that indicate that the outcome of a statistical test is either significant or not. How would you do that for the following example: for outcome_anova it’s true that the result was significant and for outcome_ancova it’s false that the result was significant?

# Please write your solution in this cell 
outcome_anova = True
outcome_ancova = False

Alright, thanks for taking the time to go through this recap. Again: if you could solve/answer all questions, you should have the information/knowledge needed for this session.

Here’s what we will focus on in the first block:

Operators and comparisons#

One of the most basic utilizations of python might be simple arithmetic operations and comparisons. operators and comparisons in python work as one would expect:

  • Arithmetic operators available in python: +, -, *, /, ** power, % modulo

  • comparisons available in python: <, >, >= (greater or equal), <= (less or equal), == (equal), != (not equal) and is (identical)

Obviously, these operators and comparisons can be used within tremendously complex analyzes and actually build their basis.

Lets check them out further via a few quick examples, starting with operators:

[1 + 2, 
 1 - 2,
 1 * 2,
 1 / 2,
 1 ** 2,
 1 % 2]
[3, -1, 2, 0.5, 1, 1]

In Python 2.7, what kind of division (/) will be executed, depends on the type of the numbers involved. If all numbers are integers, the division will be an integer division, otherwise, it will be a float division. In Python 3 this has been changed and fractions aren’t lost when dividing integers (for integer division you can use another operator, //). In Python 3 the following two operations will give the same result (in Python 2 the first one will be treated as an integer division). It’s thus important to remember that the data type of division outcomes will always be float.

print(1 / 2)
print(1 / 2.0)

Python also respects arithemic rules, like the sequence of +/- and *//.

1 + 2/4
1 + 2 + 3/4

The same holds true for () and operators:

(1 + 2)/4
(1 + 2 + 3)/4

Thus, always watch out for how you define arithmetic operations!

Just as a reminder: the power operator in python is ** and not ^:

2 ** 2

This arithmetic operations also show some “handy” properties in combination with assignments, specifically you can apply these operations and modify the value of a given variable “in-place”. This means that you don’t have to assign a given variable a new value via an additional line like so:

a = 2
a = a * 2

but you can shortcut the command a = a * 2 to a *= 2. This also works with other operators: +=, -= and /=.

b = 3
b *= 3

Interestingly, we meet booleans again. This time in the form of operators. So booleans can not only be referred to as a data type but also operators. Whereas the data type entails the values True and False, the operators are spelled out as the words and, not, or. They therefore allow us to evaluate if

  • something and something else is the case

  • something is not the case

  • something or something else is the case

How about we check this on an example, i.e. the significance of our test results from the recap:

outcome_anova = True
outcome_ancova = False
outcome_anova and outcome_ancova
not outcome_ancova
outcome_anova or outcome_ancova

While the “classic” operators appear to be rather simple and the “boolean” operators rather abstract, a sufficient understanding of both is very important to efficiently utilize the python programming language. However, don’t worry: we’ll use them throughout the entire course going forward to gain further experience.

After spending a look at operators, it’s time to check out comparisons in more detail. Again, most of them might seem familiar and work as you would expect. Here’s the list again:

  • Comparisons in python >, <, >= (greater or equal), <= (less or equal), == (equal), != (not equal) and is (identical)

The first four are the “classics” and something you might remember from your math classes in high school. Nevertheless, it’s worth to check how they exactly work in python.

If we compare numerical values, we obtain booleans that indicate if the comparisons is True or False. Lets start with the “classics”.

2 > 1, 2 < 1
(True, False)
2 > 2, 2 < 2
(False, False)
2 >= 2, 2 <= 2
(True, True)

So far so good and no major surprises. Now lets have a look at those comparisons that might be less familiar. At first, ==. You might think: “What, a double assignment?” but actually == is the equal comparison and thus compares two variables, numbers, etc., evaluating if they are equal to each other.

1 == 1
outcome_anova == outcome_ancova
'This course' == "cool"
1 == 1 == 2

One interesting thing to mention here is that equal values of different data types, i.e. integers and floats, are still evaluated as equal by ==:

1 == 1.0

Contrarily to evaluating if two or more things are equal via ==, we can utilize != to evaluate if two are more things are not equal. The behavior of these comparison concerning the outcome is however identical: we get booleans.

2 != 3
outcome_anova = True 
outcome_ancova = False
outcome_anova != outcome_ancova 
1 != 1 != 2

There’s actually one very specific comparison that only works for one data type: string comparison. The string comparison is reflected by the word in and evaluates if a string is part of another string. For example, you can evaluate if a word or certain string pattern is part of another string. Two fantastic beings are going to help showcasing this!

Please welcome, the Wombat & the Capybara.

"cool" in "Wombats are cool"
"ras ar" in "Wombats and capybaras are cool"

The string comparison can also be combined with the boolean operator to evaluate if a string or string pattern is not part of another string.

"stupid" not in "Wombats and capybaras"

Before we finish the operators & comparison part, it’s important to outline one important aspects that you’ve actually already seen here and there but was never mentioned/explained in detail: operators & comparisons work directly on variables, that is their values. For example, if we want to change the number of a variable called n_lectures from 5 to 6, we can simply run:

n_lectures = 5
n_lectures = n_lectures + 1 

or use the shortcut as seen before

n_lectures = 5
n_lectures += 1

This works with other types and operators/comparisons too, for example strings and ==:

'Wombats' == 'Capybaras'

Exercise 4.1#

You want to compute the mean of the following reaction times: 1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2, 1.7. Is there a way to achieve that using operators?

# Please write your solution here
(1.2 + 1.0 + 1.5 + 1.9 + 1.3 + 1.2 + 1.7)/7

Spoiler: there are of course many existing functions for all sorts of equations and statistics so you don’t have to write it yourself every time. For example, we could also compute the mean using numpy’s mean function:

import numpy as np
np.mean([1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2, 1.7]) 

Exercise 4.2#

Having computed the mean, you need to compare it to a reference value. The latter can be possibly found in a string that entails data from a previous analyses. If that’s the case, the string should contain the words "mean reaction time". Is there a way to evaluate this?

The string would be: “In contrast to the majority of the prior studies the mean reaction time of the here described analyses was 1.2.”

# Please write your solution here
reference = "In contrast to the majority of the prior studies the mean reaction time of the here described analyses was `1.2`."
"mean reaction time" in reference

Exercise 4.3#

Having found the reference value, that is 1.2 we can compare it to our mean. Specifically, you want to know if the mean is less or equal than 1.2. The outcome of the comparison should then be the value of a new variable called mean_reference_comp.

# Please write your solution here
mean = (1.2 + 1.0 + 1.5 + 1.9 + 1.3 + 1.2 + 1.7)/7
mean_reference_comp = mean <= 1.2

Fantastic work folks, really really great! Time for a quick party!


Having already checked out modules, help & descriptions, variables and data types, operators and comparisons, we will continue with the final section of the first block of our python introduction. More precisely, we will advance to new, more complex data types and structures: strings, lists, tuples and dictionaries.

Strings, List and dictionaries#

So far, we’ve explored integers, float, strings and boolean as fundamental types. However, there are a few more that are equally important within the python programing language and allow you to easily achieve complex behavoir and ease up your everyday programming life: strings, lists, tuples and dictionaries.


Wait, what? Why are we talking about strings again? Well, actually, strings are more than a “just” fundamental type. There are quite a few things you can do with strings that we haven’t talked about yet. However, first things first: strings contain text:

statement = "The wombat and the capybara are equally cute. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america."
'The wombat and the capybara are equally cute. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'

So, what else can we do? For example, we can get the length of the string which reflects the number of characters in the string. The respective len function is one of the python functions that’s always available to you, even without importing it. Notably, len can operate on various data types which we will explore later.


The string data types also allows us to replace parts of it, i.e. substrings, with a different string. The respective syntax is string.replace("substring_to_replace", "replacement_string"), that is, .replace searches for "substring_to_replace" and replaces it with "replacement_string". If we for example want to state that wombats and capybaras are awesome instead of cute, we could do the following:

statement.replace("cute", "awesome")
'The wombat and the capybara are equally awesome. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'

Importantly, strings are not replaced in-place but require a new variable assignment.

'The wombat and the capybara are equally cute. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'
statement_2 = statement.replace("cute", "awesome")
'The wombat and the capybara are equally awesome. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'

We can also index a string using string[x] to get the character at the specified index:

'The wombat and the capybara are equally awesome. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'

Pump the breaks right there: why do we get h when we specify 1 as index? Shouldn’t this get us the first index and thus T?



This means that the first index is 0, the second index 1, the third index 2, etc. . This holds true independent of the data type and is one of the major confusions when folks start programming in python, so always watch out!

'The wombat and the capybara are equally awesome. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'

If we want to get more than one character of a string we can use the following syntax string[start:stop] which extracts characters between index start and stop. This technique is called slicing.


If we omit either (or both) of start or stop from [start:stop], the default is the beginning and the end of the string, respectively:

'The wombat'
' and the capybara are equally awesome. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'
'The wombat and the capybara are equally awesome. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'

We can also define the step size using the syntax [start:end:step] (the default value for step is 1, as we saw above):

'The wombat and the capybara are equally awesome. However, while the wombat lives in Australia, the capybara can be found in south america.'
'Tewma n h ayaaaeeulyaeoe oee,wietewma ie nAsrla h ayaacnb on nsuhaeia'

String formatting#

Besides operating on strings we can also apply different formatting styles. More precisely, this refers to different ways of displaying strings. The main function we’ll explore regarding this will be the print function. Comparable to len, it’s one of the python functions that’s always available to you, even without import.

For example, if we print strings added with +, they are concatenated without space:

print("The" + "results" + "were" + "significant")

The print function concatenates strings differently, depending how the inputs are specified. If we just provide all strings without anything else, they will be concatenated without spaces:

print("The" "results" "were" "significant")

If we provide strings separated by ,, they will be concatenated with spaces:

print("The", "results", "were", "significant")
The results were significant

Interestingly, the print function converts all inputs to strings, no matter their actual type:

print("The", "results", "were", "significant", 0.049, False)
The results were significant 0.049 False

Another very cool and handy option that we can specify placeholders which will be filled with an input according to a given formatting style. Python has two string formatting styles. An example of the old style is below, the placeholder or specifier %.3f transforms the input number into a string, that corresponds to a floating point number with 3 decimal places and the specifier %d transforms the input number into a string, corresponding to a decimal number.

print("The results were significant at %.3f" %(0.049))
The results were significant at 0.049
print("The results were significant at %d" %(0.049))
The results were significant at 0

As you can see, you have to be very careful with string formatting as important information might otherwise get lost!

We can achieve the same outcome using the new style string formatting which uses {} followed by .format().

print("The results were significant at {:.3f}" .format(0.049))
The results were significant at 0.049

If you would like to include line-breaks and/or tabs in your strings, you can use \n and \t respectively:

print("Geez, there are some many things \nPython can do with \t strings.")
Geez, there are some many things 
Python can do with 	 strings.

We can of course also combine the different string formatting options:

print("Animal: {}\nHabitat: {}\nRating: {}".format("Wombat", "Australia", 5))
Animal: Wombat
Habitat: Australia
Rating: 5

Single Quote#

You can specify strings using single quotes such as 'Quote me on this'. All white space i.e. spaces and tabs, within the quotes, are preserved as-is.

Double Quotes#

Strings in double quotes work exactly the same way as strings in single quotes. An example is "What's your name?".

Triple Quotes#

You can specify multi-line strings using triple quotes - (""" or '''). You can use single quotes and double quotes freely within the triple quotes. An example is:

'''I'm the first line. Check how line-breaks are shown in the second line.
Do you see the line-break?
"What's going on here?," you might ask.
Well, "that's just how tiple quotes work."
'I\'m the first line. Check how line-breaks are shown in the second line.\nDo you see the line-break?\n"What\'s going on here?," you might ask.\nWell, "that\'s just how tiple quotes work."\n'
Exercise 5.1#

Create two variables called info_wombat and info_capybara and provide them the following values respectively:

“The wombat is quadrupedal marsupial and can weigh up to 35 kg.”

“The capybara is the largest rodent on earth. Its relatives include the guinea pig and the chinchilla.”

Once created, please verify that the type is string.

# Please write your solution here
info_wombat = "The wombat is quadrupedal marsupial and can weigh up to 35 kg."
info_capybara = "The capybara is the largest rodent on earth. Its relatives include the guinea pig and the chinchilla."

Exercise 5.2#

Compute the length and print within the strings “The wombat information has [insert length here] characters.” and “The capybara information has [insert length here] characters.” After that, please compare the length of the strings and print if they are equal.

# Please write your solution here
print("The wombat information has %s characters." %len(info_wombat))
print("The capybara information has %s characters." %len(info_capybara))
print("The information has an equal amount of characters: %s" %str(len(info_wombat)==len(info_capybara)))
Exercise 5.3#

Get the following indices from the info_wombat and info_capybara respectively: 4-10 and 4-12. Replace the resulting word in info_wombat with capybara and the resulting word in info_capybara with wombat.


print(info_wombat.replace('wombat', 'capybara'))
print(info_capybara.replace('capybara', 'wombat'))


Next up: lists. In general, lists are very similar to strings. One crucial difference is that list elements (things in the list) can be of any type: integers, floats, strings, etc. . Additionally, types can be freely mixed within a list, that is, each element of a list can be of a different type. Lists are among the data types and structures you’ll work with almost every time you do something in python. They are super handy and comparably to strings, have a lot of “in-built” functionality.

The basic syntax for creating lists in python is [...]:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

You can of course also set lists as the value of a variable. For example, we can create a list with our reaction times from before:

reaction_times = [1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2, 1.7]
<class 'list'>
[1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2, 1.7]

Going back to the comparison with strings, we can use the same index and slicing techniques to manipulate lists as we could use on strings: list[index], list[start:stop].

[1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2, 1.7]
[1.0, 1.5]
[1.2, 1.5, 1.3, 1.7]


This means that the first index is 0, the second index 1, the third index 2, etc. . This holds true independent of the data type and is one of the major confusions when folks start programming in python, so always watch out!

Thus, to get the first index of our reaction_times, we have to do the following:


There’s another important aspect related to index and slicing. Have a look at the following example that should get us the reaction times from index 1 to 4:

[1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2, 1.7]
[1.0, 1.5, 1.9]

Isn’t there something missing, specifically the last index we wanted to grasp, i.e. 4?



This means that the slicing technique gives you everything up to the stop index but does not include the stop index itself. For example, reaction_times[1:4] will return the list elements from index 1 up to 4 but not the fourth index. This holds true independent of the data type and is one of the major confusions when folks start programming in python, so always watch out!

So, to get to list elements from index 0 - 4, including 4, we have to do the following:

[1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3, 1.2, 1.7]
[1.2, 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 1.3]

As mentioned before, elements in a list do not all have to be of the same type:

mixed_list = [1, 'a', 4.0, 'What is happening?']

[1, 'a', 4.0, 'What is happening?']

Another nice thing to know: python lists can be inhomogeneous and arbitrarily nested, meaning that we can define and access lists within lists. Is this list-ception??

nested_list = [1, [2, [3, [4, [5]]]]]

print("our nest list looks like this: %s" %nested_list)
print("the length of our nested list is: %s" %len(nested_list))
print("the first index of our nested_list is: %s" %nested_list[0])
print("the second index of our nested_list is: %s" %nested_list[1])
print("the second index of our nested_list is a list we can index again via nested_list[1][1]: %s" %nested_list[1][1])
our nest list looks like this: [1, [2, [3, [4, [5]]]]]
the length of our nested list is: 2
the first index of our nested_list is: 1
the second index of our nested_list is: [2, [3, [4, [5]]]]
the second index of our nested_list is a list we can index again via nested_list[1][1]: [3, [4, [5]]]

Lets have a look at another list. Assuming you obtain data describing the favorite movies and snacks of a sample population, we can put the respective responses in lists for easy handling:

movies = ['The_Intouchables', 'James Bond', 'Forrest Gump', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'The Imitation Game',
          'The Philosophers', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'Shutter Island', 'Love actually', 'The Great Gatsby',
          'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'Fight Club', 'Shutter Island',
          'Harry Potter', 'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince', 'Shindlers List', 'Inception']
snacks = ['pancakes', 'Banana', 'dominoes', 'carrots', 'hummus', 'chocolate', 'chocolate', 'Pringles', 'snickers',
          'chocolate','Kinder bueno', 'sushi',  'mint chocolate', 'fruit', 'dried mango', 'dark chocolate', 
          'too complicated', 'snickers', 'Rocher']

A smaller subsample also provided their favorite animal. (If you also provided one but it doesn’t show up it means that you most likely used the “add attachment” option to add images or a way to refers to local files but doesn’t embed them directly in the notebook. Unfortunately, things can be a bit strange there…so don’t worry, we address this in subsequent sessions.)

animals = ['cat', 'lizard', 'coral', 'elephant', 'barred owl', 'groundhog']

So lets check what we can do with these lists. At first, here they are again:

print('The favorite movies were: %s' %movies)
print('The favorite snacks were: %s'%snacks)
print('The favorite animals were: %s' %animals)
The favorite movies were: ['The_Intouchables', 'James Bond', 'Forrest Gump', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'The Imitation Game', 'The Philosophers', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'Shutter Island', 'Love actually', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'Fight Club', 'Shutter Island', 'Harry Potter', 'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince', 'Shindlers List', 'Inception']

The favorite snacks were: ['pancakes', 'Banana', 'dominoes', 'carrots', 'hummus', 'chocolate', 'chocolate', 'Pringles', 'snickers', 'chocolate', 'Kinder bueno', 'sushi', 'mint chocolate', 'fruit', 'dried mango', 'dark chocolate', 'too complicated', 'snickers', 'Rocher']

The favorite animals were: ['cat', 'lizard', 'coral', 'elephant', 'barred owl', 'groundhog']

Initially we might want to count how many responses there were. We can achieve this via our old friend the len function. If we want to also check if we got responses from all 19 participants of our sample population, we can directly use comparisons.

print('Regarding movies there were %s responses' %len(movies))
print('We got responses from all participants: %s' %str(len(movies)==19))
Regarding movies there were 19 responses
We got responses from all participants: True

We can do the same for snacks and animals:

print('Regarding snacks there were %s responses' %len(snacks))
print('We got responses from all participants: %s' %str(len(snacks)==19))
Regarding snacks there were 19 responses
We got responses from all participants: True
print('Regarding animals there were %s responses' %len(animals))
print('We got responses from all participants: %s' %str(len(animals)==19))
Regarding animals there were 6 responses
We got responses from all participants: False

Another thing we might want to check is the number of unique responses, that is if some values in our list appear multiple times and we might also want to get these values. In python we have various ways to do this, most often you’ll see (and most likely use) set and numpy’s unique functions. While the first is another example of in-built python functions that don’t need to be imported, the second is a function of the numpy module. They however can achieve the same goal, that is getting us the number of unique values.

print('There are %s unique responses regarding movies' %len(set(movies)))
There are 17 unique responses regarding movies
import numpy as np
print('There are %s unique responses regarding movies' %len(np.unique(movies)))
There are 17 unique responses regarding movies

The functions themselves will also give us the list of unique values:

import numpy as np
print('The unique responses regarding movies were:  %s' %np.unique(movies))
The unique responses regarding movies were:  ['Call Me by Your Name' 'Fight Club' 'Forrest Gump' 'Harry Potter'
 'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince' 'Inception' 'Interstellar'
 'James Bond' 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers' 'Love actually'
 'Retired Extremely Dangerous' 'Shindlers List' 'Shutter Island'
 'The Great Gatsby' 'The Imitation Game' 'The Philosophers'

Doing the same for snacks and animals again is straightforward:

print('There are %s unique responses regarding snacks' %len(np.unique(snacks)))
print('The unique responses regarding snacks were:  %s' %np.unique(snacks))
There are 16 unique responses regarding snacks
The unique responses regarding snacks were:  ['Banana' 'Kinder bueno' 'Pringles' 'Rocher' 'carrots' 'chocolate'
 'dark chocolate' 'dominoes' 'dried mango' 'fruit' 'hummus'
 'mint chocolate' 'pancakes' 'snickers' 'sushi' 'too complicated']
print('There are %s unique responses regarding animals' %len(np.unique(animals)))
print('The unique responses regarding animals were:  %s' %np.unique(animals))
There are 6 unique responses regarding animals
The unique responses regarding animals were:  ['barred owl' 'cat' 'coral' 'elephant' 'groundhog' 'lizard']

In-built functions#

As indicated before, lists have a great set of in-built functions that allow to perform various operations/transformations on them: sort, append, insert and remove. Please note, as these functions are part of the data typelist”, you don’t prepend (sort(list)) but append them: list.sort(), list.append(), list.insert() and list.remove().

Lets start with sort which, as you might have expected, will sort our list.

['Call Me by Your Name',
 'Fight Club',
 'Forrest Gump',
 'Harry Potter',
 'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince',
 'James Bond',
 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers',
 'Love actually',
 'Retired Extremely Dangerous',
 'Shindlers List',
 'Shutter Island',
 'Shutter Island',
 'The Great Gatsby',
 'The Imitation Game',
 'The Philosophers',

Please note that our list is modified/changed in-place. While it’s nice to not have to do a new assignment, this can become problematic if the index is of relevance!

.sort() also allows you to specify how the list should be sorted: ascending or descending. This is controlled via the reverse argument of the .sort() function. By default, lists are sorted in an descending order. If you want to sort your list in an ascending order you have to set the reverse argument to True: list.sort(reverse=True).

 'The Philosophers',
 'The Imitation Game',
 'The Great Gatsby',
 'Shutter Island',
 'Shutter Island',
 'Shindlers List',
 'Retired Extremely Dangerous',
 'Love actually',
 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers',
 'James Bond',
 'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince',
 'Harry Potter',
 'Forrest Gump',
 'Fight Club',
 'Call Me by Your Name']

We of course also want to sort our lists of snacks and animals:

 'Kinder bueno',
 'dark chocolate',
 'dried mango',
 'mint chocolate',
 'too complicated']
['barred owl', 'cat', 'coral', 'elephant', 'groundhog', 'lizard']

Lets assume we got new data from two participants and thus need to update our list, we can simply use .append() to, well, append or add these new entries:

movies.append('My Neighbor Totoro')
 'The Philosophers',
 'The Imitation Game',
 'The Great Gatsby',
 'Shutter Island',
 'Shutter Island',
 'Shindlers List',
 'Retired Extremely Dangerous',
 'Love actually',
 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers',
 'James Bond',
 'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince',
 'Harry Potter',
 'Forrest Gump',
 'Fight Club',
 'Call Me by Your Name',
 'My Neighbor Totoro']

We obviously do the same for snacks and animals again:

snacks.append('Wasabi Peanuts')
 'Kinder bueno',
 'dark chocolate',
 'dried mango',
 'mint chocolate',
 'too complicated',
 'Wasabi Peanuts']
['barred owl', 'cat', 'coral', 'elephant', 'groundhog', 'lizard', 'bear']

Should the index of the new value be important, you have to use .insert as .append will only ever, you guessed it: append. The .insert functions takes two arguments, the index where a new value should be inserted and the value that should be inserted: list.insert(index, value). The index of the subsequent values will shift +1 accordingly. Assuming, we want to add a new value at the third index of each of our lists, this how we would do that:

movies.insert(2, 'The Big Lebowski')
['The_Intouchables', 'The Philosophers', 'The Big Lebowski', 'The Imitation Game', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Shutter Island', 'Shutter Island', 'Shindlers List', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'Love actually', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'James Bond', 'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Inception', 'Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince', 'Harry Potter', 'Forrest Gump', 'Fight Club', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'My Neighbor Totoro']
snacks.insert(2, 'PB&J')
['Banana', 'Kinder bueno', 'PB&J', 'Pringles', 'Rocher', 'carrots', 'chocolate', 'chocolate', 'chocolate', 'dark chocolate', 'dominoes', 'dried mango', 'fruit', 'hummus', 'mint chocolate', 'pancakes', 'snickers', 'snickers', 'sushi', 'too complicated', 'Wasabi Peanuts']
animals.insert(2, 'Manatee')
['barred owl', 'cat', 'Manatee', 'coral', 'elephant', 'groundhog', 'lizard', 'bear']

If you want to change the value of a list element (e.g. you noticed an error and need to change the value), you can do that directly by assigning a new value to the element at the given index:

print('The element at index 15 of the list movies is: %s\n' %movies[15])
movies[15] = 'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince'
print('It is now %s\n' %movies[15])
The element at index 15 of the list movies is: Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince

It is now Harry Potter and the Python-Prince

['The_Intouchables', 'The Philosophers', 'The Big Lebowski', 'The Imitation Game', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Shutter Island', 'Shutter Island', 'Shindlers List', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'Love actually', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'James Bond', 'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Inception', 'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince', 'Harry Potter', 'Forrest Gump', 'Fight Club', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'My Neighbor Totoro']

Please note that this is final and the original value overwritten. The characteristic of modifying lists by assigning new values to elements in the list is called mutable in technical jargon.

If you want to remove an element of a given list (e.g. you noticed there are unwanted duplicates, etc.), you basically have two options list.remove(element) and del list[index] and which one you have to use depends on the goal. As you can see .remove(element) expects the element that should be removed from the list, that is the element with the specified value. For example, if we want to remove the duplicate Shutter Island, we can do the following:

movies.remove("Shutter Island")
['The_Intouchables', 'The Philosophers', 'The Big Lebowski', 'The Imitation Game', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Shutter Island', 'Shindlers List', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'Love actually', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'James Bond', 'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Inception', 'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince', 'Harry Potter', 'Forrest Gump', 'Fight Club', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'My Neighbor Totoro']

As you can see, only one “Shutter Island” is removed and not both, this is because .remove(element) only removes the first element of the specified value. Thus, if there are more elements you want to remove, the del function could be more handy.

You may have noticed that the del function expects the index of the element that should be removed from the list. Thus, if we, for example, want to remove the duplicate Inception, we can also achieve that via the following:

del movies[12]
['The_Intouchables', 'The Philosophers', 'The Big Lebowski', 'The Imitation Game', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Shutter Island', 'Shindlers List', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'Love actually', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'James Bond', 'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince', 'Harry Potter', 'Forrest Gump', 'Fight Club', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'My Neighbor Totoro']

If there are multiple elements you want to remove, you can make use of slicing again. For example, our snack list has multiple elements with the value chocolate. Nothing against chocolate, but you might want to have this value only once in our list. To achieve that, we basically combine slicing and del via indicating what indices should be removed:

del snacks[7:9]
['Banana', 'Kinder bueno', 'PB&J', 'Pringles', 'Rocher', 'carrots', 'chocolate', 'dark chocolate', 'dominoes', 'dried mango', 'fruit', 'hummus', 'mint chocolate', 'pancakes', 'snickers', 'snickers', 'sushi', 'too complicated', 'Wasabi Peanuts']

Lists play a very important role in python and are for example used in loops and other flow control structures (discussed in the next session). There are a number of convenient functions for generating lists of various types, for example, the range function (note that in Python 3 range creates a generator, so you have to use the list function to convert the output to a list). Creating a list that ranges from 10 to 50 advancing in steps of 2 is as easy as:

start = 10
stop = 50
step = 2

list(range(start, stop, step))

This can be very handy if you want to create participant lists and/or condition lists for your experiment and/or analyzes.

Exercise 6.1#

Create a variable called rare_animals that stores the following values: ‘Addax’, ‘Black-footed Ferret’, ‘Northern Bald Ibis’, ‘Cross River Gorilla’, ‘Saola’, ‘Amur Leopard’, ‘Philippine Crocodile’, ‘Sumatran Rhino’, ‘South China Tiger’, ‘Vaquita’. After that, please count how many elements the list has and provide the info within the following statement: “There are [insert number of elements here] animals in the list.”

# Please write your solution here
rare_animals = ['Addax', 'Black-footed Ferret', 'Northern Bald Ibis', 'Cross River Gorilla', 'Saola', 'Amur Leopard', 'Philippine Crocodile', 'Sumatran Rhino', 'South China Tiger', 'Vaquita']
print("There are %s animals in the list." %len(rare_animals))

Exercise 6.2#

Please add ‘Manatee’ to the list and subsequently evaluate how many unique elements the list has.

# Please write your solution here

Exercise 6.3#

Learning that the manatee is not endangered anymore, please remove it from the list. Unfortunately, we have to add “Giant Panda”. Could you please do that at index 3.

# Please write your solution here
rare_animals.remove('Manatee') # or del rare_animals[11]
rare_animals.insert(2, 'Giant Panda')


Tuples are like lists, except that they cannot be modified once created, that is they are immutable.

In python, tuples are created using the syntax (..., ..., ...), or even ..., ...:

point = (10, 20, 'Whoa another thing')
<class 'tuple'>
(10, 20, 'Whoa another thing')

Elements of tuples can also be referenced via their respective index:

Whoa another thing

However, as mentioned above, if we try to assign a new value to an element in a tuple we get an error:

    point[0] = 20
except(TypeError) as er:
    print("TypeError:", er)
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Thus, tuples also don’t have the set of functions to modify elements lists do.

Exercise 7.1#

Please create a tuple called deep_thought with the following values: ‘answer’, 42.

# Please write your solution here
deep_thought = ('answer', 42)


Dictionaries are also like lists, except that each element is a key-value pair. That is, elements or entries of the dictionary, the values, can only be assessed via their respective key and not via indexing, slicing, etc. .

The syntax for dictionaries is {key1 : value1, ...}.

Dictionaries are fantastic if you need to organize your data in a highly structured way where a precise mapping of a multiple of types is crucial and lists might be insufficient. For example, we want to have the information we assessed above for our lists in a detailed and holistic manner. Instead of specifying multiple lists and variables, we could also create a dictionary that comprises all of that information.

movie_info = {"n_responses" :        len(movies),
              "n_responses_unique" : len(set(movies)),
              "responses" :          movies}

<class 'dict'>
{'n_responses': 19, 'n_responses_unique': 19, 'responses': ['The_Intouchables', 'The Philosophers', 'The Big Lebowski', 'The Imitation Game', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Shutter Island', 'Shindlers List', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'Love actually', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'James Bond', 'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince', 'Harry Potter', 'Forrest Gump', 'Fight Club', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'My Neighbor Totoro']}

See how great this is? We have everything in one place and can access the information we need/want via the respective key.

 'The Philosophers',
 'The Big Lebowski',
 'The Imitation Game',
 'The Great Gatsby',
 'Shutter Island',
 'Shindlers List',
 'Retired Extremely Dangerous',
 'Love actually',
 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers',
 'James Bond',
 'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince',
 'Harry Potter',
 'Forrest Gump',
 'Fight Club',
 'Call Me by Your Name',
 'My Neighbor Totoro']

As you can see and mentioned before: like lists, each value of a dictionary can entail various types: integer, float, string and even data types: lists, tuples, etc. . However, in contrast to lists, we can access entries can only via their key name and not indices:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[139], line 1
----> 1 movie_info[1]

KeyError: 1

If you try that, you’ll get a KeyError indicating that the key whose value you want to access doesn’t exist. If you’re uncertain about the keys in your dictionary, you can get a list of all of them via dictionary.keys():

dict_keys(['n_responses', 'n_responses_unique', 'responses'])

Comparably, if you want to get all the values, you can use dictionary.values() to obtain a respective list:

dict_values([19, 19, ['The_Intouchables', 'The Philosophers', 'The Big Lebowski', 'The Imitation Game', 'The Great Gatsby', 'Shutter Island', 'Shindlers List', 'Retired Extremely Dangerous', 'Love actually', 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', 'James Bond', 'Interstellar', 'Inception', 'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince', 'Harry Potter', 'Forrest Gump', 'Fight Club', 'Call Me by Your Name', 'My Neighbor Totoro']])

Assuming you want to add new information to your dictionary, i.e. a new key, this can directly be done via dictionary[new_key] = value. For example, you run some stats on our list of movies and determined that this selection is significantly awesome with a p value of 0.000001, we can easily add this to our dictionary:

movie_info['movie_selection_awesome'] = True
movie_info['movie_selection_awesome_p_value'] = 0.000001
{'n_responses': 19,
 'n_responses_unique': 19,
 'responses': ['The_Intouchables',
  'The Philosophers',
  'The Big Lebowski',
  'The Imitation Game',
  'The Great Gatsby',
  'Shutter Island',
  'Shindlers List',
  'Retired Extremely Dangerous',
  'Love actually',
  'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers',
  'James Bond',
  'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince',
  'Harry Potter',
  'Forrest Gump',
  'Fight Club',
  'Call Me by Your Name',
  'My Neighbor Totoro'],
 'movie_selection_awesome': True,
 'movie_selection_awesome_p_value': 1e-06}

As with lists, the value of a given element, here entry can be modified and deleted. This means they are mutable. If we for example forgot to correct our p value for multiple comparisons, we can simply overwrite the original with corrected one:

movie_info['movie_selection_awesome_p_value'] = 0.001
{'n_responses': 19,
 'n_responses_unique': 19,
 'responses': ['The_Intouchables',
  'The Philosophers',
  'The Big Lebowski',
  'The Imitation Game',
  'The Great Gatsby',
  'Shutter Island',
  'Shindlers List',
  'Retired Extremely Dangerous',
  'Love actually',
  'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers',
  'James Bond',
  'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince',
  'Harry Potter',
  'Forrest Gump',
  'Fight Club',
  'Call Me by Your Name',
  'My Neighbor Totoro'],
 'movie_selection_awesome': True,
 'movie_selection_awesome_p_value': 0.001}

Assuming we then want to delete the p value from our dictionary because we remembered that the sole focus on significance and p values brought the entirety of science down to a very bad place, we can achieve this via:

del movie_info['movie_selection_awesome_p_value']
{'n_responses': 19,
 'n_responses_unique': 19,
 'responses': ['The_Intouchables',
  'The Philosophers',
  'The Big Lebowski',
  'The Imitation Game',
  'The Great Gatsby',
  'Shutter Island',
  'Shindlers List',
  'Retired Extremely Dangerous',
  'Love actually',
  'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers',
  'James Bond',
  'Harry Potter and the Python-Prince',
  'Harry Potter',
  'Forrest Gump',
  'Fight Club',
  'Call Me by Your Name',
  'My Neighbor Totoro'],
 'movie_selection_awesome': True}

Exercise 8.1#

Oh damn, we completely forgot to create a comparable dictionary for our snacks list. How would create one that follows the example from the movie list? NB: you can skip the p value right away:

# Please write your solution here
snack_info = {"n_responses" :            len(snacks),
              "n_responses_unique" :     len(set(snacks)),
              "responses" :              snacks,
              "snack_selection_awesome": True}


Exercise 8.2#

Obviously, we would love to do the same thing for our list of animals again!

# Please write your solution here
animal_info = {"n_responses" :            len(animals),
              "n_responses_unique" :      len(set(animals)),
              "responses" :               animals,
              "animal_selection_awesome": True}


Everything is an object in Python#

  • All of these data types are actually just objects in python

  • Everything is an object in python!

  • The operations you can perform with a variable depend on the object’s definition

  • E.g., the multiplication operator * is defined for some objects but not others

Introduction to Python III#

Recap of the prior session#

Before we dive into new endeavors, it might be important to briefly recap the things we’ve talked about so far. Specifically, we will do this to evaluate if everyone’s roughly on the same page. Thus, if some of the aspects within the recap are either new or fuzzy to you, please have a quick look at the respective part of the first section and second section again and as usual: ask questions wherever something is not clear.

This recap will cover the following topics from the last sessions:

  • variables and types

  • operators and comparison

  • strings, lists and dictionaries

Variables and data types#

Two session ago we declared several variables. Could you here create a variable for the following:

  • a variable random_number with a number between 0 and 10

  • a variable called my_favorite_food indicating your favorite food

What data types do each of these variables have?

# Please write your solution here
random_number = 7  # integer
my_favorite_food = 'pasta'  # string

operators and comparison#

Please calculate the following and assign them to the variables a, b, c, etc., if needed:

  • 10 divided by 3

  • 6 to the power of 2

  • 5 times 29 times 48

  • Update c by adding 10

  • Update b by dividing it by 5

  • Is c divisible by 5?

  • Is a larger than b?

  • Are c and b equal?

# Please write your solution here
a = 10 / 3
b = 6 ** 2
c = 5 * 29 * 48
c += 10
b /= 5
print('Is c divisible by 5?', c % 5 == 0)
print('Is a larger than b?', a > b)
print('Are c and b equal?', c == b)

strings, lists and dictionaries#

You just did an experiment asking 10 people for a random number between 0 and 100. What data structure would you use to store these values within python? Assume the values were: 1; 50; 23; 77; 91; 3; 34; 81; 55; 49. How would you define a variable of your selected data type to store these values?

# Please write your solution here
# you would use a list
random_numbers = [1, 50, 23, 77, 91, 3, 34, 81, 55, 49]

From the above random numbers you now want to calculate the mean an test if it is above. How would you do that?

# Please write your solution here
mean_value = (1 + 50 + 23 + 77 + 91 + 3 + 34 + 81 + 55 + 49)/ 10
is_above_50 = mean_value > 50

Define a variable rand_num_sub_4 that contains the random number from the fourth subject of your experiment and print the statement ‘Subject number four picked 77 as random number’ thereby acessing your variable. Assign the variable using indexing. Remember: Where do you start to index in Python?

# Please write your solution here
rand_num_sub_4 = random_numbers[3]
print(f'Subject number four picked {rand_num_sub_4} as random number')

Oh no you made several mistakes! Update your list to correct the mistakes.

  • The random number of the fourth participant wasn’t actually 77 but 76.

  • You forgot to keep track of another participant and actually recorded 11 subjects. You forgot the 8th subject with the number 33. Please insert into your list

  • You actually don’t want people to choose the number 50. Please remove this value from your list

# Please write your solution here
random_numbers[3] = 76
random_numbers.insert(7, 33)

Instead of only declaring a list containing all the random numbers, you now want to also assign a personal ID to each subject that you asked. In our case this would simply be Sub_1 to Sub_10 for the first, second, etc. subject, respectively. Define a dictionary to store this information. Then print all the keys and also redefine the rand_num_sub_4 variable from before, this time acessing your dictionary.

# Please write your solution here
random_num_dict = {'Sub_1': 1,
                   'Sub_2': 23,
                   'Sub_3': 76,
                   'Sub_4': 91,
                   'Sub_5': 3,
                   'Sub_6': 34,
                   'Sub_7': 81,
                   'Sub_8': 81,
                   'Sub_9': 55,
                   'Sub_10': 49}


rand_num_sub_4 = random_num_dict['Sub_4']
lord_of_the_rings = "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them."

Above we defined the inscription on the ring from lord of the rings. We also want to create a fantasy saga. But we are little copy cats. Therefore, we want to define a new statement for the lord of the stones, and only replace the word Ring with stone in the above sentence. How would you do that?

# Please write your solution here
lord_of_the_stones = lord_of_the_rings.replace('Ring', 'Stone')

How long is this statement now compared to before? Also what was at the indices 40 to 45 before and now in your new sentence?

# Please write your solution here
print(f'Length before {len(lord_of_the_rings)}, Length now {len(lord_of_the_stones)}')
print(f'Word at indices before: {lord_of_the_rings[40:46]}, now: {lord_of_the_stones[40:46]}')

You can split a string into a list of words using list.split(’ ‘). This statementn splits the string at the whitespaces and generates a list. Split the lord of the stones string into a list of words, sort it and print the 10th element.

# Please write your solution here
splitted_statement = lord_of_the_stones.split(' ')
sorted_statement = sorted(splitted_statement)
print('The 10th element is:', sorted_statement[9])

Alright, thanks for taking the time to go through this recap. Again: if you could solve/answer all questions, you should have the information/knowledge needed for this session.

Objectives 📍#

  • learn about indentation (some form of code structuring)

  • control how our code is executed

    • Conditionals (if - else statements statements)

    • Iteration (e.g., for-loops, while statements…)

Indentation & Control Flow#


Python uses whitespaces to define code blocks. Using whitespaces at the beginning of a line is the indentation. This means that a codeblock that is indented with the same number of leading whitespaces or tabs should be run together. In other words: the indentation is part of the syntax in python and one of the major distinctions regarding other programming languages like, e.g. Matlab.

Usually in Python we use four whitespaces for indentation of codeblocks.

Let’s see what that means:

days_til_holidays = 15
current_weekday = 'Thursday'

Each such set of statements is called a block, meaning that the lines/variable assignments will be run together. We will see examples of how blocks are important later on. What happens when we introduce a “wrong” indentation?

days_til_holidays = 15
  current_day = 'Thursday'
  Cell In[147], line 2
    current_day = 'Thursday'
IndentationError: unexpected indent

One thing you should remember is that a wrong indentation raises an IndentationError.

Control Flow & structures#

  • programming language, i.e. python, features that allow us to control how code is executed

  • Conditionals (if - else statements statements)

  • Iteration (e.g., for-loops, while statements…)

  • Read more here

Conditional statements: if, elif, else#

The python syntax for conditional execution of code use the keywords if, elif (else if), else:
statement1 = False
statement2 = False

if statement1:
    print("statement1 is True")
elif statement2:
    print("statement2 is True")
    print("statement1 and statement2 are False")
statement1 and statement2 are False

For the first time, here we encountered a peculiar and unusual aspect of the Python programming language: Program blocks are defined by their indentation level. In Python, the extent of a code block is defined by the indentation level (usually a tab or say four white spaces). This means that we have to be careful to indent our code correctly, or else we will get syntax errors.


# Good indentation
statement1 = statement2 = True

if statement1:
    if statement2:
        print("both statement1 and statement2 are True")
both statement1 and statement2 are True
# Bad indentation! This would lead to error
if statement1:
    if statement2:
    print("both statement1 and statement2 are True")  # this line is not properly indented
  Cell In[150], line 4
    print("both statement1 and statement2 are True")  # this line is not properly indented
IndentationError: expected an indented block after 'if' statement on line 3
statement1 = False 

if statement1:
    print("printed if statement1 is True")
    print("still inside the if block")
if statement1:
    print("printed if statement1 is True")
print("now outside the if block")
now outside the if block
# We can even combine statements
if statement1 and statement2:
    print("printed if statement1 and statement2 are True")
elif statement1 or statement2:
    print("printed if either statement1 or statement2 is True")
    print("printed if no statement is True")
printed if either statement1 or statement2 is True
Exercise 1.1#

You want to go to the cinema, but you first need to check whether you have enough money. First define a variable indicating the amount of money in your wallet money_in_wallet as 6 EUR and the ticket price for the cinema ticket_price as 10 EUR. Indicate with a print statement if you can go to the cinema

### Write your solution here ###
money_in_wallet = 6
price_of_ticket = 10

if money_in_wallet >= price_of_ticket:
    print("Let's go to the cinema")
    print("I have to stay home :(")

Exercise 1.2#

Different films cost different amounts of money. Use if statements to tests which films you can afford and print them. The films cost:

  • James Bond: 15 EUR

  • Spider Man - No Way Home: 11 EUR

  • Dune: 6 EUR

  • Ghostbusters: 5 EUR

Note: as always in coding, there are several ways to get the right solution.

### Write your solution here ###
# possible solution one

if money_in_wallet >= 15:
    print('I can watch every film: James Bond, Spider Man, Dune & Ghostbusters')
elif money_in_wallet >= 11:
    print('I can watch Spider Man, Dune & Ghostbusters')
elif money_in_wallet >= 6:
    print('I can watch Dune & Ghostbusters')
elif money_in_wallet >= 5:
    print('I can watch Ghostbusters')
    print('I can\'t watch any film.')

# possible solution two:

affordable_films = []
if money_in_wallet >= 15:
    affordable_films.append('James Bond')

if money_in_wallet >= 11:
    affordable_films.append('Spider Man')

if money_in_wallet >= 6:
if money_in_wallet >= 5:

print('I can watch the following films:', ', '.join(affordable_films))

Exercise 1.3#

It’s your lucky day! You happen to find 34 EUR right in front of your house. You want to celebrate this by inviting as many of your 5 friends as possible to the cinema. How many friends can you invite, while also paying for yourself? First update your money in your wallet and then test this using if statements.

### Write your solution here ###
money_in_wallet += 44

if money_in_wallet >= (5+1) * 10:
    print('I can invite all 5 friends')
elif money_in_wallet >= (4+1) * 10:
    print('I can invite 4 friends.')
elif money_in_wallet >= (3+1) * 10:
    print('I can invite 3 friends.')
elif money_in_wallet >= (2+1) * 10:
    print('I can invite 2 friends.')
elif money_in_wallet >= (1+1) * 10:
    print('I can invite 1 friend.')
elif money_in_wallet >= (0+1) * 10:
    print('I cannot invite any of my friends.')
    print('I can\'t even go to the cinema by myself.')

Exercise 1.4 - Last one, I promise!#

This year you want to treat your dog with a holiday present but obviously only if it was a good dog. Depending on the money in your wallet, you can either buy a new toy for 10 EUR or go on a nice long walk if you don’t have any money. Write a nested if statement to test which present you can buy if your dog was a good dog. Your current endowment is 11 EUR.

### Write your solution here ###
was_good_boy = True
endowment = 11
if was_good_boy:
    if endowment >= 10:
        print('Buy the toy')
        print('Can\'t afford any present. Go on a walk.')
    print('Only presents for good boys')

These many if statements were very tedious. Can we not do this more efficiently?

Wait no more. We have a solution (at least for some situations)


In python, loops can be programmed in a number of different ways. The most common is the for loop, which is used together with iterable objects, such as lists. The basic syntax is:
for x in [1,2,3]:

The for loop iterates over the elements of the supplied list and executes the containing block once for each element. Any kind of list can be used in the for loop. For example:

for x in range(4): # by default range start at 0

Note: range(4) does not include 4! Try to remember the aspects of indexing and slicing we addressed during the session on strings and lists.

for x in range(-3,3):
for word in ["scientific", "computing", "with", "python"]:

To iterate over key-value pairs of a dictionary:

params = {
    'parameter1': 'A',
    'parameter2': 'B',
    'parameter3': 'C',
    'parameter4': 'D'

for key, value in params.items():
    print(key + " = " + str(value))
parameter1 = A
parameter2 = B
parameter3 = C
parameter4 = D

Sometimes it is useful to have access to the indices of the values when iterating over a list. We can use the enumerate function for this:

for idx, x in enumerate(range(-3,3)):
    print(idx, x)
0 -3
1 -2
2 -1
3 0
4 1
5 2

break, continue and pass#

To control the flow of a certain loop you can also use break, continue and pass.

rangelist = list(range(10))

for number in rangelist:
    # Check if number is one of
    # the numbers in the tuple.
    if number in [4, 5, 7, 9]:
        # "Break" terminates a for without
        # executing the "else" clause.
        # "Continue" starts the next iteration
        # of the loop. It's rather useless here,
        # as it's the last statement of the loop.
    # The "else" clause is optional and is
    # executed only if the loop didn't "break".
    pass # Do nothing
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Exercise 2.1#

Use a for loop to print every even number from 0 to 10

Hint: you can check if a number is even with number % 2 == 0

### Write your solution here ###
for num in range(10):
    if num % 2 == 0:

Exercise 2.2#

Use a for loop that iterates over all days in december (31) and always prints the number of days left until christmas. This loop should break once christmas is reached and should wish you a merry christmas.

### Write your solution here ###
christmas_day = 24
for i in range(31):
    if i < christmas_day:
        print(f'{christmas_day - i} days until christmas')
        print('It\'s christmas day!')

Exercise 2.3#

create a list of your three most favourite foods and iterate over it. In each iteration print the position and the food. For example:

    1. Pasta

    1. Nutella

    1. Wraps

### Write your solution here ###
fav_food = ['Pasta', 'Nutella', 'Wraps']
for i, food in enumerate(fav_food):
    print(f'{i+1}. {food}')

List comprehensions: Creating lists using for loops:

A convenient and compact way to initialize lists:
l1 = [x**2 for x in range(0,5)]

[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

You can also use an if statement in your list comprehension. But be careful with the ordering. A single if can be after the for loop. However, if and else together have to be in front. Lets see some examples.

l2 = [x**2 for x in range(0,5) if x > 2]
[9, 16]
l3 = [x**2 for x in range(0,5) if x > 2 else x]
  Cell In[163], line 1
    l3 = [x**2 for x in range(0,5) if x > 2 else x]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Now lets put the if-else statement before the for loop

l3 = [x**2 if x > 2 else x for x in range(0,5)]
[0, 1, 2, 9, 16]

Exercise 2.4#

Use list comprehension to create a list containing all letters that are in the word ‘human’

### Write your solution here ###
h_letters = [ letter for letter in 'human' ]
print( h_letters)

Exercise 2.5#

Use list comprehension to create a list with all even numbers from 0 to 19

### Write your solution here ###
number_list = [ x for x in range(20) if x % 2 == 0]

Exercise 2.6#

Use list comprehension to create a list with all uneven numbers from 0 to 19 and set all even numbers to zero

### Write your solution here ###
number_list = [ 0 if x % 2 == 0 else x for x in range(20) ]

while loops:#

A while loop is used when you want to perform a task indefinitely, until a particular condition is met. It is s a condition-controlled loop.
i = 0

while i < 5:
    i = i + 1

Note that the print "done" statement is not part of the while loop body because of the difference in the indentation.

whileloops can be dangerous to use. For example if you would forget the i = i+1 statement

# if you run this cell you will need to stop the kernel, as it is an infinite loop
# i = 0
# while i < 5:
#     print(i)

You can also include an else statement after your while loop, to include a codeblock that should be executed once the condition returns False

counter = 0

while counter < 3:
    print("Inside loop")
    counter = counter + 1
    print("Inside else")
Inside loop
Inside loop
Inside loop
Inside else

Exercise 2.7#

Calculate the number of friends that you can invite to the cinema using a while-loop


  • money = 43

  • ticket_price = 10

Hint: You can alter your money to calculate this.

### Write your solution here ###
# Given values
money = 43
ticket_price = 10

# Initialize the counter for the number of tickets
number_of_tickets = 0

# Loop to calculate the number of friends you can invite
while money >= ticket_price:
    money -= ticket_price  # Deduct the price of one ticket from the money
    number_of_tickets += 1  # Increment the number of tickets bought



Rule of thumb for great programming: “Whenever you copy-paste while coding, you do something wrong.’

We use functions to solve problems that are repetitive.

What should you put into a function:

  • Anything, that you will do more than once

  • All code blocks that have some kind of meaning, e.g. calculating the square root of a value

  • Code that can be increased in readability, where you would like to add a comment

A function

  • is a block of code that only runs when explicitly called

  • can accept arguments (or parameters) that alter its behavior

  • can accept any number/type of inputs, but always return a single object

Note: functions can return tuples (may look like multiple objects)

A function in Python is defined using the keyword def, followed by a function name, a signature within parentheses (), and a colon :. The following code, with one additional level of indentation, is the function body.

Let’s check this different components in further detail.

def say_hello():
    # block belonging to the function
    print('hello world')

say_hello() # call the function
hello world

The function above does not take any arguments but only executes the code within. As there is no explicit return statement the function will simply return None.

Let’s check that. To access the return value of a function, you simply assign the function to a variable, as we learned above and in the previous sessions.

greetings = say_hello()
hello world

As you see, the function still printed the 'hello world' but the returned value that was stored in greetings is None.

A function can also accept arguments within the parentheses, making it super flexible. For example:

def calc_power(x, p):
    power = x ** p
    return power


As we used a return statement this time, the power that we calculated is returned and can be printed or assigned to a variable.

These were all simple examples, however, we can also put more complex code blocks into a function.

def get_maximum(a, b):
    maximum = None
    if a > b:
        print( a, 'is maximum')
        maximum = a
    elif a == b:
        print(a, 'is equal to', b)
        maximum = a
        print(b, 'is maximum')
        maximum = b
    return maximum

# directly pass literal values
maximum = get_maximum(3, 4)

x = 7
y = 7

# pass variables as arguments
maximum = get_maximum(x, y)
4 is maximum
7 is equal to 7

We can also return multiple values from a function using tuples:

def calc_powers(x):
    Return a few powers of x.
    return x ** 2, x ** 3, x ** 4
x = 5
powers = calc_powers(x)
(25, 125, 625)

As you see, your output variable powers is a tuple that contains the output values of the function. We can however, split this tuple directly into the specific values. This can help to make your code more readable.

x2, x3, x4 = calc_powers(5)

Very important: Variables inside a function are treated as local variables and therefore don’t interfere with variables outside the scope of the function.

x = 50

def func(x):
    print('x is', x)
    x = 2
    print('Changed local x to', x)

print('x is still', x)
x is 50
Changed local x to 2
x is still 50

To access a local function variable, we can extend the local scope with the keyword global.

x = 50

def func():
    global x

    print('x is', x)
    x = 2
    print('Changed global x to', x)

print('Value of x is', x)
x is 50
Changed global x to 2
Value of x is 2

Optionally, but highly recommended, we can define a so called "docstring", which is a description of the functions purpose and behavior. The docstring should follow directly after the function definition, before the code in the function body.

You can also define the input and return parameters in the docstring. There are several conventions to do this.

def func_with_docstring(s):
    Print a string 's' and tell how many characters it has    
    :param s (string): input string of any length
    :returns: None
    print(s + " has " + str(len(s)) + " characters")
Help on function func_with_docstring in module __main__:

    Print a string 's' and tell how many characters it has    
    :param s (string): input string of any length
    :returns: None
func_with_docstring('So much fun to write functions')
So much fun to write functions has 30 characters

Positional vs. keyword arguments#

  • Positional arguments are defined by position and must be passed

    • Arguments in the function signature are filled in order

  • Keyword arguments have a default value

    • Arguments can be passed in arbitrary order (after any positional arguments)

You might not think that at the moment, but coding is all about readability. You only write it once, but you will probably read it several times.

In Python we can increase readability when calling a function by also naming our positional arguments. For example:

def calc_power(x, power):
    return x ** power

We could now simply input the variables that we want to compute:

calc_power(2, 2)

The input in the function is positionally defined. Hence, the first parameter represents x and the second power. But does this really tell you what is happening, just from reading the function? We can increase readability by calling the parameters by their names:

calc_power(x=2, power=2)

Now everyone that looks at your code, can directly see what is happening. If we explicitly list the name of the arguments in the function calls, they do not need to come in the same order as in the function definition. This is called keyword arguments and is often very useful in functions that take a lot of optional arguments.

Additionally we could also give default values to the arguments the function takes:

def calc_power(x, power=2):
    return x ** power

If we don’t provide a value for the power argument when calling the the function calc_power it defaults to the value provided in the function definition:

x = 3

Such default values are especially useful for functions that take a lot of arguments, as it reduces the amount of arguments that you have to pass to the function.

Arguments with a default value

  • have to be defined /called AFTER the positional values

  • don’t have to be called in order

Let’s quickly talk about function names…#

Function names are very important. They will allow you to tell the story of your code. Time spent on naming is never wasted time in coding.

The ‘pythonic’ way to write functions is to also imply in the name what the function will do.

Some examples:

  • when you calculate something you can use calc in your function name.

  • when you want to test if something is true with your function you could use is. E.g., is_above_value(x, value=10) could return True if the input value x is above the default value.

  • use print if your function only prints statements

Exercise 3.1#

Define a function called get_longest_string that takes two strings as input and returns the longer string. If the strings have the same length, the first one should be returned.

Call your function once, using positional arguments and once using keyword arguments.

## Write your solution here
def get_longest_string(string_one, string_two):
    if len(string_one) >= len(string_two):
        return string_one
longest_string = get_longest_string('yoda', 'skywalker')
longest_string = get_longest_string(string_one='yoda', string_two='skywalker')

Exercise 3.2#

Define a function happy_holidays that wishes the user happy holidays. It takes the name of the user as input argument. When the user does not define a name, your function should use a default value. Then call it once, inputting a user name and once without.

## Write your solution here
def happy_holidays(name="there"):
    """Function to wish happy holidays to the user"""
    print(f"Happy holidays, {name}!")

# Call the function with a specific user name

# Call the function without passing a name