Experimentation IV

Within the tenth session we’ll once again focus solely on the research experiments. Specifically, we will briefly explore how you can monitor your experiments and get the respective data, as well as start with the journal club presentations to get a first glimpse of what y’all are working on and provide some feedback. Both parts should help you to further advance with regard to your research experiments, theoretically and practically.

Topics 💡👨🏻‍🏫

In the following you’ll find the objectives and materials for each of the topics we’ll discuss during this session.

The future is now - research experiments via online platforms - a brief update

We already talked a bit about the experiment, including how you set up your own experiments on meadows. At this time, every group implemented and tested their respective experiments which enabled us to go “live”, i.e. the data acquisition is currently running. However, so far we haven’t addressed how you can actually monitor your experiments and download/get the respective data. This will include both broad and in-depth options, that should additionally allow you to spot potential problems and think about strategies to get more participants. Ideally, every group should check their experiment at least once per day and download new data asap, storing it at various places.


  • learn how to monitor online experiment and get respective data

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time


You can directly access the slides here.

tasks for subsequent meeting 🖥️✍🏽📖

The tasks for the subsequent meeting are exclusively related to the research experiment projects, in that they aim to bring you further within the respective processes. More precisely, every group should closely monitor their experiments and start analyzing the data, as well as writing their research experiment reports. The first few impressions concerning the data acquisition should furthermore be used to think about potential ways to increase the number of participants.