Experimentation VΒΆ

Within the eleventh session we’ll have a split between the research experiments and the demo experiments. In more detail, we will hear the last two journal club presentations and starting reviewing your demo experiment reports via the respective feedback that was shared with you. The respective content should help you to further advance with regard to your research experiments, theoretically and practically.

Topics πŸ’‘πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ«ΒΆ

There will be no direct β€œclassic” input from the instructor during this session.

tasks for subsequent meeting πŸ–₯οΈβœπŸ½πŸ“–ΒΆ

The tasks for the subsequent meeting are exclusively related to the research experiment projects, in that they aim to bring you further within the respective processes. More precisely, every group should closely monitor their experiments and start analyzing the data, as well as writing their research experiment reports. The first few impressions concerning the data acquisition should furthermore be used to think about potential ways to increase the number of participants.