Student projects

Student projects

As mentioned on the overview page, the core of this class are research projects that will be conducted under guidance in groups, the demo experiment, and independently in groups, your research project, by each participant. Both are explained in a bit more detail below and generated materials for each (e.g. pre-registration, DMP, etc.) will be added throughout the semester.

Demo experiment

The goal of the demo experiment is to provide with guided hands-on experience, meaning that we will transfer the rather theoretical inputs from the instructor directly to a “real-life” research project. As this will, most likely, be your first experience with these things, we will ease into them. That’s why the work you’ll conduct will be more guided than that of the research projects you’ll conceive later independently. You could think about it as a “practice run”. What does this mean?

We all will participate in an online experiment together and utilize this as the basis for our subsequent adventures. In a step-by-step manner we will go through the things that are required to turn this demo experiment into a real-life research project including the project preparation and management, data handling, as well as interpretation and presentation of results.

Research project

Building upon the work of the demo experiment, the aim of the research project is to allow you to conduct research work more independently. While everyone will use the same basic experimental setup but each group will form their own sub-projects and respective hypotheses. In general the steps will the same as in the demo experiment: setting up a project, finding literature, defining hypotheses, do a pre-registering, write a data management plan, set up the experiment, acquire data, analyze data and write a report based on the outcomes. In addition to the demo experiment, the research project will also entail the presentation of relevant literature and a poster presentation. As said before: all of these things with way more freely and independently as in the demo experiment.