Reference API

bids_atlas.datasets - Dataset tools

bids_atlas.datasets.get_AAL([target_space, ...])

Download the AAL atlas in specified target space and resolution, providing it in a BIDS-Atlas compliant manner.


Download the Destrieux atlas in specified target space and resolution, providing it in a BIDS-Atlas compliant manner.


Download the Harvard-Oxford atlas in specified target space and resolution, providing it in a BIDS-Atlas compliant manner.


Download the Talairach atlas in specified target space and resolution, providing it in a BIDS-Atlas compliant manner.


Download the Juelich atlas in specified target space and resolution, providing it in a BIDS-Atlas compliant manner.

bids_atlas.utils - Utility functions

bids_atlas.utils.check_output_path(path, atlas)

Check if the desired path to save the atlas exists and if not, create it.


Check if the atlas is in the desired resolution and if not resample it.


Create .json file for the obtained atlas.