
Execution and the BIDS format

The general usage of bids_atlas is rather straightforward as it only requires the user to run the download function for the atlas they want to use and indicate the respective space and resolution. The exact command to run bids_atlas depends on the Installation method and user. Regarding the latter bids_atlas can either be used as a command line tool or directly within python.

Here’s a very conceptual example of running bids_atlas via CLI:

bids_atlas path/ atlas_name optional_arguments

and here from within python:

from bids_atlas.datasets import atlas_download_function
path_to_atlas = atlas_download_function(path=download_path, optional_arguments)

Below, we will focus on the CLI version. Thus, if you are interested in using bids_atlas directly within python, please check the Examples.

Command-Line Arguments

a CLI for accessing commonly used publicly available atlases in a BIDS-Atlas compliant form

usage: bids_atlas [-h] [--target_space {MNI152NLin6Asym}] [--resolution {1,2}]
                  [--type {pseg,dseg}] [--threshold {0,25,50}]
                  [--level {gyrus,hemisphere,lobe,tissue,ba}]
                  [--n_rois {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}]
                  [--roi_annotation {7,17}] [-v]

Positional Arguments


The directory where the atlas should be stored.


Possible choices: AAL, Destrieux, HarvardOxford, Juelich, Talairach, Schaefer

Atlas to download in a BIDS-Atlas compliant form.

Named Arguments


Possible choices: MNI152NLin6Asym

Target space the atlas should be provided in.Currently, only MNI152NLin6Asym is available.


Possible choices: 1, 2

Resolution the atlas should be provided in.


Possible choices: pseg, dseg

Type the atlas should be provided in. (Only for Harvard-Oxford & Juelich)


Possible choices: 0, 25, 50

Threshold the atlas should be provided in. (Only for Harvard-Oxford & Juelich)


Possible choices: gyrus, hemisphere, lobe, tissue, ba

Level the atlas should be provided in. (Only for Talairach)


Possible choices: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000

Number of ROIs the atlas should entail. (Only for Schaefer)


Possible choices: 7, 17

Annotation of ROIs in the atlas based on Yeo networks. (Only for Schaefer)

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

Example Call(s)

Below you’ll find two examples calls that hopefully help you to familiarize yourself with bids_atlas and its options.

Example 1

bids_atlas \

Here’s what’s in this call:

  • The 1st positional argument is the directory the user wants to store the atlas in (/home/user)

  • The 2nd positional argument specifies which atlas should be downloaded. Here we choose the AAL atlas.

As we didn’t specify the target_space and --resolution arguments, the atlas will be provided in the default specification which are MNI152NLin6Asym` regarding the ``space and 2mm regarding the resolution.

Example 2

bids_atlas \
/home/user/ \
Schaefer100 \
--resolution 1

Here’s what’s in this call:

  • The 1st positional argument is the directory the user wants to store the atlas in (/home/user)

  • The 2nd positional argument specifies which atlas should be downloaded. Here we choose the Schaefer100 atlas.

  • The 3rd positional argument specifies the resolution the atlas should be provided in. Here 1mm.

Support and communication

The documentation of this project is found here:

All bugs, concerns and enhancement requests for this software can be submitted here:

If you have a problem or would like to ask a question about how to use bids_atlas, please submit a question to with an bids_atlas tag. is a platform similar to StackOverflow but dedicated to neuroinformatics.

All previous bids_atlas questions are available here:

Not running on a local machine? - Data transfer

Please contact you local system administrator regarding possible and favourable transfer options (e.g., rsync or FileZilla).

A very comprehensive approach would be Datalad, which will handle data transfers with the appropriate settings and commands. Datalad also performs version control over your data.