Below you’ll find a (somewhat recent) list of publications based on my Google Scholar profile:
However, to provide a bit more information and context, I also compiled a list of publications below, including respective links to the papers, preprints, data repositories, and software packages.
* - denotes shared first and/or corresponding author
Trainees’ perspectives and recommendations for catalyzing the next generation of NeuroAI researchers
A I Luppi, J Achterberg, S Schmidgall, I P Bilgin, P Herholz…, P Scotti, H M Gellersen
Nature Neuroscience - 2024
The past, present, and future of the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)s
R A Poldrack, C J Markiewicz, S Appelhoff, Y K Ashar, …P Herholz…, T Yarkoni, K J Gorgolewski
Imaging Neuroscience - 2024
A roadmap to reverse engineering real-world generalization by combining naturalistic paradigms, deep sampling, and predictive computational models
P Herholz, E Fortier, M Toneva, N Farrugia, L Wehbe, V Borghesani
Neurons, Behavior, Data Analysis and Theory - 2023
BrainStat: A toolbox for brain-wide statistics and neuroscientific contextualization
R Vos de Wael, Ş Bayrak, O Benkarim, P Herholz, S Lariviere, R Rodriguez-Cruces, C Paquola, SJ Hong, B Misic, A Evans, S Valk, B Bernhardt
NeuroImage - 2023
preprint, documentation, GitHub repository
A labeled Clinical-MRI dataset of Nigerian brains
E Wogu, P Filima, B Caron, D Levitas, P Herholz, …, D Eke, F Pestilli
preprint at ArXiv - 2023
fMRIflows: a consortium of fully automatic univariate and multivariate fMRI processing pipelines MP Notter, P Herholz*, S Da Costa, OF Gulban, AI Isik, MM Murray
Brain Topography - 2023
preprint, Github repository
Open and reproducible neuroimaging: from study inception to publication
G Niso, R Botvinik-Nezer, S Appelhoff, A De La Vega, O Esteban, J A Etzel, K Finc, M Ganz, R Gau, Y O Halchenko, P Herholz, A Karakuzu, D Keator, C Maumet, C J Markiewicz, C Pernet, F Pestilli, N Queder, T Schmitt, W Sójka, A S Wagner, K Whitaker, J Rieger
NeuroImage - 2022
preprint, documentation/platform, GitHub repository, Jupyter Book
Neuroscout, a unified platform for generalizable and reproducible fMRI research
A de la Vega, R Rocca, R W Blair, C J Markiewicz, J Mentch, J D Kent, P Herholz, S S Ghosh, R A Poldrack, T Yarkoni
eLife - 2022
preprint, documentation/platform, GitHub repository, Jupyter Book
Micapipe: A Pipeline for Multimodal Neuroimaging and Connectome Analysis
R R Cruces, J Royer, P Herholz, S Larivière, R Vos de Wael, C Paquola, O Benkarim, BY Park, J Degré-Pelletier, M Nelson, J DeKraker, C Tardif, JB Poline, L Concha, B C Bernhardt
NeuroImage - 2022
preprint, documentation, GitHub repository
An open MRI dataset for multiscale neuroscience
J Royer, R Rodríguez-Cruces, S Tavakol, S Lariviere, P Herholz, Q Li, R Vos de Wael, C Paquola, O Benkarim, BY Park, A J Lowe, D S Margulies, J Smallwood, A Bernasconi, N Bernasconi, B Frauscher, B C Bernhardt
Scientific Data - 2021
preprint, data repository
Centering inclusivity in the design of online conferences
E Levitis, CG van Praag, R Gau, S Heunis, E DuPre…, P Herholz,…C Maumet
GigaScience - 2021
Brainhack: developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience
R Gau, S Noble, K Heuer, K Bottenhorn, IP Bilgin…, P. Herholz,…The Brainhack Community
Neuron - 2021
preprint, Jupyter Book
The Open Brain Consent: Informing research participants and obtaining consent to share brain imaging data
E Bannier, G Barker, V Borghesani, N Broeckx…, P. Herholz*,…H Zhu
Human Brain Mapping - 2021
docs, preprint
BIDSonym-a BIDSapp for the pseudo-anonymization of neuroimaging datasets
P. Herholz, RM Ludwig & JB Poline
Journal of Open Source Software - 2021
preprint, Github repository, docs
Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams
R Botvinik-Nezer, F Holzmeister, CF Camerer, A Dreber, J Huber…, P. Herholz*,…RA Poldrack & T Schonberg
Nature - 2020
Github repository, Github repository of my analysis team, preprint
NiBetaSeries: task related correlations in fMRI
JD KenT & P. Herholz Journal of Open Source Software - 2020
Github repository, docs
LAB–QA2GO: A free, easy-to-use toolbox for the quality assessment of magnetic resonance imaging data
C Vogelbacher, MHA Bopp, V Schuster,P. Herholz, Andreas Jansen & Jens Sommer
Frontiers in neuroscience - 2019
Github repository, preprint
AtlasReader: A Python package to generate coordinate tables, region labels, and informative figures from statistical MRI images
MP Notter, D Gale, P Herholz, R Markello, ML Notter-Bielser, K Whitaker
Journal of Open Source Software - 2019
Github repository
Comparison of fMRI paradigms assessing visuospatial processing: Robustness and reproducibility
V Schuster, P Herholz, KM Zimmermann, S Westermann, S Frässle & A Jansen
PloS one - 2017