Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)¶
Objectives 📍¶
This part of the course aims to introduce you to the physical principles
of magnetic resonance imaging
. During this part of the course, we will cover four fundamental principles of MRI
Magnetic resonance
: parametersT1
MRI sequences
Anatomy of an MRI¶

Fig. 16 Schematic illustration of the main components of an MRI
machine. Figure generated by P. Bellec, 2021, licensed under CC-BY.¶
Fig. 16 allows us to observe the main elements of an MRI
device, and in particular:
The magnet: this is a
that generates a very strongmagnetic field
. Thiscoil
is immersed inliquid helium
, close to absolute zero, which makes itsuperconductive
: theelectric current
which crosses it does not undergo any loss of energy, and can continue to circulate for a very long time. For this reason, theMRI magnet
continues to operate continuously, even when the machine is not in use.The gradient coils: allow to vary the
of themagnetic field
in space. Duringimage acquisition
, thegradients
are activated and then stopped several times.Gradients
can be produced in any direction.The radio-frequency antenna: makes it possible to (1)
, and (2) measure theresponse
of thesebiological tissues
. Theradio-frequency pulses
generated by theantenna
create a weakmagnetic field
to the mainmagnetic field
generated by themagnet
. Receivingantennas
can also be placed in specific headgear.
We’ll talk more about how all of these work in the next few sections.
is very sensitive to head movements
! Cushions or other devices can be used to reduce movement
Coil + current = magnetic field!
By creating a ring with electric wire
and passing an electric current
, we produce a magnetic field
. In the video below we can see the magnetic field
lines being drawn when the magnetic field
is activated
. Field lines
are straight as they pass through the center
of the ring, but they propagate
in circles
away from the center
of the ring. To obtain a constant magnetic field
inside the ring, we can thicken the ring so as to form a cylinder
. It’s the same principle that we find in an MRI machine
from IPython.display import HTML
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Magnetic spin and B0 field¶

Fig. 17 A proton
is like a small magnet
, whose magnetic field
around a given position (precessional motion
), and is characterized by angular momentum
, or spin
. The right part of the figure was generated by P. Bellec, 2021, under CC-BY license. The left part of the figure is adapted from an image shutterstock ID 130826045
, used under standard shutterstock license.¶
The protons
that make up part of the atoms
behave like little magnets
that spin
around their own axis
, similar to a spinning top
(see Fig. 17). This rotation
of the magnetic moment
is called the precession movement
and depends among other things on the composition
of the core
. Thus, each type of nucleus
has a characteristic Larmor frequency.
A hydrogen atom
has a Larmor frequency
of 42.58 MHz/Tesla
. This frequency
is therefore not fixed, but depends on the strength of the magnetic field! Placed in an external magnetic field
of 1T
, a hydrogen atom
rotates 42580000
times per second. The stronger the magnetic field
in which a proton
is located, the more the speed at which the magnetic moment
of this proton
rotates will increase.
The MRI magnet
helps align the magnetic moment
of the protons
along the same axis
as the main magnetic field
, called B0
. This B0
goes from the feet
to the head
. The strength
of the main magnet
is measured in Teslas (T)
. 1.5T
devices are mainly used for clinical purposes, while in research, the standard is rather 3T
, which is about 60,000
times more powerful than the Earth’s magnetic field
! The 7T
devices represent today the new frontier used in research, and some 10T
+ devices exist in the world. But why would we want to increase the strength
of the magnetic field
? By increasing
the strength
of the magnetic field
, we can gain spatial
and temporal resolution
. On the other hand, increasing
the strength
of the magnetic field
can also introduce artifacts
Magnetic resonance¶
Resonance… not just magnetic
We find resonance
phenomena in many situations. A known example is the resonance
between the wind
and the Tacoma Bridge
, which led to the collapse of the bridge (see the video below).
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We can think of resonance
as a seesaw motion
. If we push the swing
, it won’t swing
much. To have an amplified swing motion
, we need to push the swing
at the same frequency as the natural frequency of the swing
. We will then enter into resonance with the swing
, and its movement
will amplify
. We can therefore see the swing
as a phenomenon
of resonance
between the object
that is swinging
and the person
who gives impetus
to this object
exploits this resonance phenomenon
. The radio-frequency (RF) antenna creates a series of radio-frequency waves in the direction
to the B0 field
, ie in the direction
of the B1 field
. By producing a series
of pulses
following the Larmor frequency of hydrogen
, the hydrogen atoms
come into resonance
and tilt in the perpendicular direction
By stopping the pulses
, the hydrogen atoms
enter into relaxation
, that is to say that their magnetic moment
will return to the initial direction B0
. In other words, the magnetic moment
in direction B1
decreases to return in direction B0
. This relaxation phenomenon
is very important, because the speed of relaxation
will depend on the characteristics
of the tissues
that have been excited. The relaxation
speed is measured by the receiving antennas
placed in the helmet
around the participant
’s head!
It is important to understand that the signal
we measure in MRI
does not come from a single proton
. For reference, 18 grams
of water
contains one mole of H2O molecules
, or about \(10^{24}\) hydrogen atoms
… The signal
that we are measuring comes from the juxtaposition
of the spins
of all of these atoms
. A radio-frequency wave
which resonates
with hydrogen
will not only tilt the spins
, but also bring them into phase
. Imagine that you have a thousand swings
, which you push at the same time (at the right frequency
). Not only will the movement
of the swings
gain in amplitude
, but all the swings
will be at the same point in their trajectory
at the same time. It is the same for spins
after an excitement
Why radio?
As we have seen, the Larmor frequency
of hydrogen
is 42.58 MHz/Tesla
. In a 3T MRI
, we are therefore going to excite with a wave
at a frequency
of approximately 120 MHz
, or 120 million waves
per second (!). This type of frequency
falls into the domain of radio waves.
Section selection and image formation¶
We have seen how a radio-frequency wave
can excite hydrogen nuclei
and measure the response
to this excitation
to examine the characteristics
of tissues
. But how to make an image
? The gradient coils make it possible to vary the amplitude
of the magnetic field
in three directions
Direction z
: fromfeet
Direction x
: fromleft
Direction y
: from theback
of thehead
to thenose
These variations are much weaker than the B0 field
, and only represent a fraction of a Tesla
, but this will allow us to extract spatial information
in a resonance process
. Using these gradients
, it is possible to measure the magnetic properties
of tissues
located at a specific point
in space
, and therefore to make a (3D) image
. This process is complex, but the first step is relatively simple to understand: it is the cut selection.
We remember that the Larmor frequency
of a particle
depends on the strength
of the magnetic field
in which it finds itself. By changing the strength
of the magnetic field
in a given direction
thanks to the gradient coils
, we are going to modify the Larmor frequency
of the hydrogen atoms
at a specific point
in the gradient
. The radio-frequency pulses
will only excite
the hydrogen atoms
in the cut
where the magnetic field
has the strength
that corresponds to the excitation
. In this way, instead of receiving signal
from the whole brain
, we only receive signal
from the selected slice
, because only the hydrogen atoms
in this slice
will resonate
We still have to cut our section into pixels
… But that is largely beyond the context of this introductory chapter. To learn more about spatial encoding
in MRI
, you can consult this resource.
Field of View (FOV)
When we make a 3D image
of the brain
, we will slice
the brain
into a series
of slices
. By knowing the size
of the cuts
as well as the number of cuts
, we can deduce the size
of the 3D cube
that corresponds to the image
. This size
is called field of view
, or FOV
The MRI: a noisy machine
The acquisition
of an image
requires modifying
the gradients
quickly. The rapid current changes
in the gradient coils
, as well as in the radio-frequency wave emitting coils
, cause the coils
to expand
and contract
rapidly. These movements
create significant noise
. Each type
of image
has its own “music”, which depends on the nature and order of the excitations
and gradients
. See excerpts below.
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HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>')
\(T_1\) and \(T_2\) contrasts¶
The contrasts
\(T_1\) and \(T_2\) are the main parameters acquired during an MRI
session. Initially, the hydrogen proton
are aligned with the \(B_0\) field. The application of radio-frequency pulses
causes the spins
to tilt along the \(B_1\) axis, an axis
to \(B_0\). Once the radio-frequency pulses
have stopped, the spins
with the \(B_0\) field. This realignment
is characterized by two distinct dynamics, linked to the time constants
\(T_1\) and \(T_2\).
Contrast in \(T_1\). The increase
in the component according to \(B_0\) (component \(M_z\)), or longitudinal relaxation, follows an increasing exponential function
. The characteristic time of this growth (the speed of growth) is called \(T_1\). The time \(T_1\) corresponds to the time elapsed to obtain 63%
of the equilibrium value
of the magnetic moment
contribution along the z axis
(\(M_0\)). For those who are comfortable with mathematical expressions, the regrowth in \(B_0\) follows the equation \(M_z(t) = M_0 ( 1 - e^{-t / T_1})\).
# ignore warnings
import warnings
# import necessary libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from myst_nb import glue
# setup figures
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
# Exponential functions for T1 curves (for example only)
t = np.linspace(0,5,100)
y1 = 70 * (1 - np.exp(-t / 1.2))
y2 = 85 * (1 - np.exp(-t / 1.3))
y3 = 100 * (1 - np.exp(-t / 1.5))
# Trace the figure
ax_plot = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.plot(t, y1, label="Cerebrospinal fluid")
plt.plot(t, y2, label="grey matter")
plt.plot(t, y3, label="white matter")
plt.vlines(1, 0, 60, colors="black", linestyles="--")
plt.text(1, 60, "TE")
plt.vlines(4, 0, 60, colors="black", linestyles="--")
plt.text(4, 60, "TR")
plt.xlabel("Time", loc="right")
plt.ylabel("mz", loc="top")
plt.title("Curve in T1")
# Import required modules and dataset
from nilearn.datasets import fetch_icbm152_2009
from nilearn.plotting import plot_anat
data_mri = fetch_icbm152_2009()
# display T1-weighted image
ax_plot = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 1), colspan=2)
plot_anat(data_mri.t1, figure=fig, title="MRI - T1 contrast", axes=ax_plot,
cut_coords=[-17, 0, 17])
glue("relax-t1-fig", fig, display=False)

Fig. 18 Longitudinal relaxation
and contrast
\(T_1\). Left image: growth of the magnetic field
along the \(B_0\) axis
, called \(M_{z}\). Note that different tissue types
exhibit distinct longitudinal relaxation curves
. Right image: an image
generated by reading at time \(TE\) presents a contrast
between the different tissue types
. This figure is generated by python code, click on the +
to see the code.¶
At equilibrium
, the contribution of the magnetic moment
along the \(B_0\) axis
is called \(M_0\). This value depends on the density
of protons
in the tissues
, i.e. the number
of hydrogen atoms
present in the tissue
. Thus, from one voxel
to another, we do not necessarily obtain the same value of \(M_0\). It is possible to image this parameter, and we then speak of an image in proton density
Contrast in \(T_2\). The decrease
in the component according to \(B_1\) (component \(M_{xy}\)), or transverse relaxation, follows a decreasing exponential function
. The characteristic time of this decrease
(the speed of decrease
) is called \(T_2\). The time \(T_2\) corresponds to the time
elapsed to obtain 37%
of the value of the contribution of the initial magnetic moment
along the axis \(B_1\). For those who are comfortable with mathematical expressions, the decrease in \(B_1\) follows the equation \(M_{xy}(t) = M_1 e^{-t / T_2}\). The constant \(M_1\) will depend, among other things, on the density
of protons
, like \(M_0\), and will vary from one tissue
to another.
# ignore warnings
import warnings
# import necessary functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from myst_nb import glue
# setup the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
# Exponential functions for T2 curves (for example only)
t = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
y1 = 100 * np.exp(-t / 1.5)
y2 = 85 * np.exp(-t / 1.1)
y3 = 70 * np.exp(-t / 0.8)
# Tracer la figure
ax_plot = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.plot(t, y1, label="Cerebrospinal fluid")
plt.plot(t, y2, label="grey matter")
plt.plot(t, y3, label="white matter")
plt.vlines(1, 0, 60, colors="black", linestyles="--")
plt.text(1.1, 60, "TE")
plt.vlines(4, 0, 60, colors="black", linestyles="--")
plt.text(4, 60, "TR")
plt.xlabel("Time", loc="right")
plt.ylabel("Mz", loc="top")
plt.title("Curve in T2")
# Import required modules and dataset
from nilearn.datasets import fetch_icbm152_2009
from nilearn.plotting import plot_anat
data_mri = fetch_icbm152_2009()
# display the T2-weighted image
ax_plot = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 1), colspan=2)
plot_anat(data_mri.t2, figure=fig, title="MRI - T2 contrast", axes=ax_plot,
cut_coords=[-17, 0, 17])
glue("relax-t2-fig", fig, display=False)

Fig. 19 Transverse relaxation
and contrast \(T_2\). Left image: decrease
of the magnetic field
along the \(B_1\) axis
, called \(M_{xy}\). Note that different tissue types
exhibit distinct transverse relaxation curves
. Right image: an image
generated by reading at time \(TE\) presents a contrast
between the different tissue types
. This contrast
is essentially reversed with respect to contrast
\(T_1\). This figure is generated by python code, click on the +
to see the code.¶
When we acquire
, we generally do not measure the entire relaxation curve
, but simply a measurement point
at time \(TE\). By choosing the \(TE\) appropriately, we will obtain very different reading values for the different tissues
. The time \(TE\) will be different for a contrast
\(T_1\) and a contrast
We call \(TR\) the time which separates two series of excitations
. This value will correspond to the acquisition time
of a section
for a structural MRI
, and the acquisition time
of a complete cerebral volume
in fMRI
. It’s a weird convention, but widely used by MRI physicists
flip angle
If we’re interested in the end of the relaxation process
, we don’t need to flip
the spins
completely in the \(B_1\) direction
, just a certain number of degrees
from \(B_0\). This parameter is called flip angle
\(T_2^*\), fMRI, dMRI¶
Phase shift. As we saw in the sidebar on phase, the radio-frequency pulses
will not only flip
the spins
, but also bring them into phase
. When we stop the impulses
, the spins
will gradually go out of phase
. This phase shift
is due to micro-interactions
between protons
as well as tissue molecules
that exhibit magnetic properties
. The relaxation curve
will have the same shape
, but with modified characteristic times
, which we call \(T_1^*\) and \(T_2^*\).
Functional MRI. The inhomogeneities
in the magnetic field
which cause the phase shift
can in particular be created by the deoxyhemoglobin
that we find in the blood
. We will see in more detail how oxyhemoglobin
and deoxyhemoglobin
the magnetic field
in the chapter on functional MRI. In functional MRI
, we use T2*-weighted sequences
Diffusion MRI. In diffusion MRI
, we also use the T2* contrast
. On the other hand, in diffusion MRI
, we measure inhomogeneities
by alternating
the direction
of the pulses
(eg by giving a pulse
along the xy axis
, then by giving a pulse
along the -xy axis
). By taking several images
with different directions
of excitation
, we can get an idea of ​​the direction
of water diffusion
. This operation allows us in the end to know the direction
of the fibers
of white matter
, because the more a fiber
points towards a given direction
, the greater the diffusion
will be in this direction
. We will come back to this subject in the chapter on diffusion MRI.
Console and acquisition sequences¶

Fig. 20 Connections between the console and the different parts of an MRI
system. Figure adapted by P. Bellec, 2021, licensed under CC-BY. The original Figure is taken from the article by [Gruber et al., 2018], licensed under CC-BY-NC.¶
All elements of the MRI
device can be controlled by the console (see Fig. 20). We have seen together the key principles of MRI
, but an actual image
is acquired
with a complex series of excitations
and measurements
, which is called an acquisition sequence. Once the sequence
has been programmed, we can always modify certain parameters
of the sequence
, such as:
field of view
Voxel size
This chapter introduced you to the physical principles
of MRI
. We have seen the different components of an MRI machine
, the different magnetic phenomena
allowing us to acquire
, as well as some parameters
that we can modify during the acquisition
of MRI data
. In the next chapter, we will talk about morphometry
using structural MRI
- 1
Bernhard Gruber, Martijn Froeling, Tim Leiner, and Dennis W.J. Klomp. RF coils: A practical guide for nonphysicists. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 48(3):590–604, 2018. _eprint: URL: (visited on 2022-04-01), doi:10.1002/jmri.26187.
In the following we created a few exercices that aim to recap core aspects of this part of the course and thus should allow you to assess if you understood the main points.
Exercice 2.1
Rank the characteristic
in ascending order
, if possible.
Exercice 2.2
True or false? The field strength
of an MRI
is related to the size
of the MRI
Exercice 2.3
Choose between the correct answer from 1, 2 or 3. the spin
of a hydrogen proton
A fixed
rotational frequency
is theLarmor frequency
variable rotation frequency
rotational frequency
that depends on thestrength
of themagnetic field
in theMRI
Exercice 2.4
What produces noise
in an MRI
Air conditioning
Gradient coils
radio-frequency antenna
Exercice 2.5
True or false? The MRI magnet
consumes a lot of electricity
Exercice 2.6
True or false? Functional MRI
and diffusion MRI
both use T2* contrast
Exercice 2.7
In an anatomical image
, we see white ventricles
on a black background
. Is this a T1
- or T2
? Explain why.
Exercice 2.8
We decide to modify an MRI sequence
to reduce the flip angle
: the spins
will tilt
by 70 degrees
, instead of 90 degrees
. What will be the effect on the TR
of this change?
Exercice 2.9
A T1 acquisition
is performed with a field of view
of 210 mm x 210 mm
, and a resolution
of 1 mm x 1 mm
in the slice
. What is the cut size
of pixels x number
of pixels
Exercice 2.10
An fMRI acquisition
is carried out with a resolution
of 3 mm Ă—3 mm
in the slice
, a slice
of dimension 64Ă—64
, a slice thickness
of 3.4 mm
with 31 slices
. We have a TR
of 2 seconds
, and we acquire 150 volumes
What is the size
of the 3D
field of view
, knowing that the slices
are acquired in the axial plane
What is the duration
of the acquisition
Exercice 2.11
To answer this question, read the article by Shukla et al, “Aberrant Frontostriatal Connectivity in Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia”, published in Schizophrenia Bulletin (2019, 45(5): 1051-59) and available open access at this address. The following questions require short answers.
What is the
of theMRI magnet
?How many
are present in thehead antenna
?What is the
ofstructural acquisition
? andfunctional acquisition
? Comparing these two times with each other, does it make sense that one is bigger than the other?What is the name of the
used forstructural acquisition
?What is the name of the
used forfunctional acquisition
?What is the
of thestructural acquisition
? andfunctional acquisition
? Comparing these two times with each other, does it make sense that one is bigger than the other?What is the
of thefunctional acquisition
field of view
, incm
?How many
brain volumes
during thefunctional sequence
Exercice 2.12
We want to isolate
the thalamus
on an individual
anatomical image
. Which contrast
should we use: T1
, T2
or both? Please justify your answer.