Introduction III - NeuroDataScience

Topics 💡👨🏻‍🏫

In the following you’ll find the objectives and materials for each of the topics we’ll discuss during this session.

Replicability crisis, open science & pre-registration

Yes, you already heard a lot of the current state of the academic system & science, specifically the problems. TL;DR: it’s all bad. However, there are a few aspects we still need to discuss in more detail. This session we’ll focus on the replicability/reproducibility crisis and potential (partial) solutions to it. This will entail outlining various causes of the replicability/reproducibility crisis and how, for example, pre-registration can be utilized to address parts of it.


  • learn about different aspects replication crisis

  • get to know proposed solutions

  • situate open science within this discussion

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time


You can directly access the slides here.

Project & data management

As said many times: research is hard and super complex. However, it’s worse without clear outlines, documentation and standardization. What are important steps of the research process & how should they be documented? At what point do I need think about incorporating open & reproducible science? Are there tools & resources I can use? All these and more questions will be addressed in this session.


  • learn about aspects of project & data management

  • get to know respective tools & resources

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time


You can directly access the slides here.

Version control

We all know the situation: we work on things over and over again, changing many things back and forth… in the end we have file called like “final_version_latest_update_3 (10).py” and have basically no chance on finding out what happened along the way when and why.



Version control - data



Finding & organizing literature



A brief 101 to connect the dots

We discussed quite a bit of Neuro-Data-Science tools and resources that can help us to make research more open & reproducible, throughout all stages of a project. However, there’s a steep learning curve if you curve without learning and given that all/most of this will be completely new to you, we’ll go through the basics of certain tools/resources and their connection/integration in a step-by-step manner. More precisely, we’ll start the project & data management for your research projects.


  • connect resources/tools we have explored

  • start project work based on open & reproducible science

  • DMPs

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time


You can directly access the slides here.

optional/reading/further materials

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