Introduction I - General introduction

Within the first session we’ll spend a fair amount of time on talking about the structure, content, goal and implementation of the course to hopefully answer most of your questions and set the stage for the subsequent meetings!

Topics 💡👨🏻‍🏫

In the following you’ll find the objectives and materials for each of the topics we’ll discuss during this session.

Course overview/setup/outline

First things first: what is going to happen in this course? What is it all about? Why are we doing this? These and many other questions will be addressed during this topic, including a broader view on today’s science and its problems and how this course aims to address them.

Objectives 📍

  • Get to know each other

  • Provide general information about the course

    • When & Where?

    • Who?

    • What?

    • How?

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time

Materials 📓

tasks for subsequent meeting 🖥️✍🏽📖

Below you’ll find the tasks you should spend a look at for next week’s session.

re-cap Python lectures

Please go through the python lectures you took part in during the last semester again, just to refresh a few things. They’re linked in Syllabus section of the overview page.

install software

Please go through the setup page and install all software (or equivalents) you don’t already have on your machine so that we can dive right into research work next time.

go through neuroscience intro section

Please go through the neuroscience introduction section in preparation for the first hands-on session and further discussions. It seems like a lot to read but we tried our best to make it as concise as possible and add as much graphics and interactive content as possible. It’s not required to understand every little thing in detail. Rather, it’s meant as a primer from which we explore things further and especially based on the project you will choose later on. Thus, try to get the basic idea of the introduced methods and note down questions we should address during the course.

optional/reading/further materials


Everyone is doing machine/deep learning these days for basically all types of data. However, one questions is quite often ignored: If deep learning is the answer, what is the question?. Check out the tremendously important perspective piece below to get a first idea and overview.


Why should we combine deep learning and neuroscience? Is this actually warranted and feasible? Check the amazing talk from Dr Yoshua Bengio titled Deep Learning and Neuroscience Synergy: from synapses to consciousness to obtain first insights!

Sorry, the video won’t render here because of its youtube settings. Thus, please just click on it to watch it on youtube. It’s a great overview with a lot of thought provoking aspects.