Introduction to Nipype

What is Nipype?

  • open-source, community-developed software package written in Python

  • provides unified way of interfacing with heterogeneous neuroimaging software like SPM, FSL, FreeSurfer, AFNI, ANTS, Camino, MRtrix, MNE, Slicer and many more

  • allows users to create flexible, complex workflows consisting of multiple processing steps using any software package above

  • efficient and optimized computation through parallel execution plugins

Nipype gives you the possibility to select the algorithms that you prefer from many different software packages and combine them in one pipeline.

In short, you can have all the advantages without the disadvantage of being stuck with a programming language or software package.

The following deck of slides provides more detailed information:

Through the introduction notebooks which you can find in the ToC on the left, we want to provide you with some great showcases and examples that demonstrate nipype’s capabilities. Additionally, we will show you how to obtain the data necessary to run the subsequent tutorials. Thus, please make sure to go through the dataset notebook if you want to run the tutorials interactively (independent of your setup: docker, conda or binder).