JoinNode, synchronize and itersource

JoinNode has the opposite effect of iterables. Where iterables split up the execution workflow into many different branches, a JoinNode merges them back into on node. A JoinNode generalizes MapNode to operate in conjunction with an upstream iterable node to reassemble downstream results, e.g.:

Simple example

Let’s consider the very simple example depicted at the top of this page:

from nipype import Node, JoinNode, Workflow

# Specify fake input node A
a = Node(interface=A(), name="a")

# Iterate over fake node B's input 'in_file?
b = Node(interface=B(), name="b")
b.iterables = ('in_file', [file1, file2])

# Pass results on to fake node C
c = Node(interface=C(), name="c")

# Join forked execution workflow in fake node D
d = JoinNode(interface=D(),

# Put everything into a workflow as usual
workflow = Workflow(name="workflow")
workflow.connect([(a, b, [('subject', 'subject')]),
                  (b, c, [('out_file', 'in_file')])
                  (c, d, [('out_file', 'in_files')])

As you can see, setting up a JoinNode is rather simple. The only difference to a normal Node is the joinsource and the joinfield. joinsource specifies from which node the information to join is coming and the joinfield specifies the input field of the JoinNode where the information to join will be entering the node.

This example assumes that interface A has one output subject, interface B has two inputs subject and in_file and one output out_file, interface C has one input in_file and one output out_file, and interface D has one list input in_files. The images variable is a list of three input image file names.

As with iterables and the MapNode iterfield, the joinfield can be a list of fields. Thus, the declaration in the previous example is equivalent to the following:

d = JoinNode(interface=D(),

The joinfield defaults to all of the JoinNode input fields, so the declaration is also equivalent to the following:

d = JoinNode(interface=D(),

In this example, the node C out_file outputs are collected into the JoinNode D in_files input list. The in_files order is the same as the upstream B node iterables order.

The JoinNode input can be filtered for unique values by specifying the unique flag, e.g.:

d = JoinNode(interface=D(),


The Node iterables parameter can be be a single field or a list of fields. If it is a list, then execution is performed over all permutations of the list items. For example:

b.iterables = [("m", [1, 2]), ("n", [3, 4])]

results in the execution graph:

where B13 has inputs m = 1, n = 3, B14 has inputs m = 1, n = 4, etc.

The synchronize parameter synchronizes the iterables lists, e.g.:

b.iterables = [("m", [1, 2]), ("n", [3, 4])]
b.synchronize = True

results in the execution graph:

where the iterable inputs are selected in lock-step by index, i.e.:

(*m*, *n*) = (1, 3) and (2, 4)

for B13 and B24, resp.


The itersource feature allows you to expand a downstream iterable based on a mapping of an upstream iterable. For example:

a = Node(interface=A(), name="a")
b = Node(interface=B(), name="b")
b.iterables = ("m", [1, 2])
c = Node(interface=C(), name="c")
d = Node(interface=D(), name="d")
d.itersource = ("b", "m")
d.iterables = [("n", {1:[3,4], 2:[5,6]})]
my_workflow = Workflow(name="my_workflow")

results in the execution graph:

In this example, all interfaces have input in_file and output out_file. In addition, interface B has input m and interface D has input n. A Python dictionary associates the B node input value with the downstream D node n iterable values.

This example can be extended with a summary JoinNode:

e = JoinNode(interface=E(), joinsource="d",
             joinfield="in_files", name="e")
my_workflow.connect(d, 'out_file',
                    e, 'in_files')

resulting in the graph:

The combination of iterables, MapNode, JoinNode, synchronize and itersource enables the creation of arbitrarily complex workflow graphs. The astute workflow builder will recognize that this flexibility is both a blessing and a curse. These advanced features are handy additions to the Nipype toolkit when used judiciously.

More realistic JoinNode example

Let’s consider another example where we have one node that iterates over 3 different numbers and generates random numbers. Another node joins those three different numbers (each coming from a separate branch of the workflow) into one list. To make the whole thing a bit more realistic, the second node will use the Function interface to do something with those numbers, before we spit them out again.

from nipype import JoinNode, Node, Workflow
from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function, IdentityInterface
def get_data_from_id(id):
    """Generate a random number based on id"""
    import numpy as np
    return id + np.random.rand()

def merge_and_scale_data(data2):
    """Scale the input list by 1000"""
    import numpy as np
    return (np.array(data2) * 1000).tolist()

node1 = Node(Function(input_names=['id'],
node1.iterables = ('id', [1, 2, 3])

node2 = JoinNode(Function(input_names=['data2'],
wf = Workflow(name='testjoin')
wf.connect(node1, 'data1', node2, 'data2')
eg =
211017-17:58:34,755 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Workflow testjoin settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
211017-17:58:34,793 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
211017-17:58:34,796 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.get_data" in "/tmp/tmpd947muth/testjoin/_id_3/get_data".
211017-17:58:34,801 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "get_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:34,820 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.get_data".
211017-17:58:34,821 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.get_data" in "/tmp/tmpa65pphaq/testjoin/_id_2/get_data".
211017-17:58:34,826 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "get_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:34,833 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.get_data".
211017-17:58:34,834 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.get_data" in "/tmp/tmpyp62y5dz/testjoin/_id_1/get_data".
211017-17:58:34,842 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "get_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:34,851 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.get_data".
211017-17:58:34,853 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.scale_data" in "/tmp/tmp7hdciny5/testjoin/scale_data".
211017-17:58:34,867 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "scale_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:34,880 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.scale_data".
from IPython.display import Image
211017-17:58:35,132 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Generated workflow graph: /home/neuro/workshop_weizmann/workshop/nipype/notebooks/graph.png (graph2use=exec, simple_form=True).

Now, let’s look at the input and output of the joinnode:

res = [node for node in eg.nodes() if 'scale_data' in][0].result
data_scaled = [1217.0315662669173, 2744.9636514899635, 3046.9774571686444]
{'function_str': 'def merge_and_scale_data(data2):\n    """Scale the input list by 1000"""\n    import numpy as np\n    return (np.array(data2) * 1000).tolist()\n',
 'data2': [1.2170315662669173, 2.7449636514899636, 3.0469774571686443]}

Extending to multiple nodes

We extend the workflow by using three nodes. Note that even this workflow, the joinsource corresponds to the node containing iterables and the joinfield corresponds to the input port of the JoinNode that aggregates the iterable branches. As before the graph below shows how the execution process is set up.

def get_data_from_id(id):
    import numpy as np
    return id + np.random.rand()

def scale_data(data2):
    import numpy as np
    return data2

def replicate(data3, nreps=2):
    return data3 * nreps

node1 = Node(Function(input_names=['id'],
node1.iterables = ('id', [1, 2, 3])

node2 = Node(Function(input_names=['data2'],

node3 = JoinNode(Function(input_names=['data3'],
wf = Workflow(name='testjoin')
wf.connect(node1, 'data1', node2, 'data2')
wf.connect(node2, 'data_scaled', node3, 'data3')
eg =
211017-17:58:35,220 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Workflow testjoin settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
211017-17:58:35,283 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
211017-17:58:35,285 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.get_data" in "/tmp/tmpwedf30h4/testjoin/_id_3/get_data".
211017-17:58:35,295 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "get_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:35,303 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.get_data".
211017-17:58:35,305 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.scale_data" in "/tmp/tmpbs5eiex1/testjoin/_id_3/scale_data".
211017-17:58:35,312 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "scale_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:35,323 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.scale_data".
211017-17:58:35,326 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.get_data" in "/tmp/tmp5lx_f4ju/testjoin/_id_2/get_data".
211017-17:58:35,331 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "get_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:35,340 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.get_data".
211017-17:58:35,343 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.scale_data" in "/tmp/tmpv_w1w7p9/testjoin/_id_2/scale_data".
211017-17:58:35,351 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "scale_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:35,367 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.scale_data".
211017-17:58:35,369 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.get_data" in "/tmp/tmpduqhlg6r/testjoin/_id_1/get_data".
211017-17:58:35,376 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "get_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:35,386 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.get_data".
211017-17:58:35,388 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.scale_data" in "/tmp/tmp31ftmvro/testjoin/_id_1/scale_data".
211017-17:58:35,401 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "scale_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:35,409 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.scale_data".
211017-17:58:35,410 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "testjoin.replicate_data" in "/tmp/tmpwdt8u7hr/testjoin/replicate_data".
211017-17:58:35,426 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "replicate_data" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:35,438 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "testjoin.replicate_data".
211017-17:58:35,704 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Generated workflow graph: /home/neuro/workshop_weizmann/workshop/nipype/notebooks/graph.png (graph2use=exec, simple_form=True).

Exercise 1

You have list of DOB of the subjects in a few various format : ["10 February 1984", "March 5 1990", "April 2 1782", "June 6, 1988", "12 May 1992"], and you want to sort the list.

You can use Node with iterables to extract day, month and year, and use datetime.datetime to unify the format that can be compared, and JoinNode to sort the list.

# write your solution here
# the list of all DOB
dob_subjects = ["10 February 1984", "March 5 1990", "April 2 1782", "June 6, 1988", "12 May 1992"]
# let's start from creating Node with iterable to split all strings from the list
from nipype import Node, JoinNode, Function, Workflow

def split_dob(dob_string):
    return dob_string.split()

split_node = Node(Function(input_names=["dob_string"], 

#split_node.inputs.dob_string = "10 February 1984"
split_node.iterables = ("dob_string", dob_subjects)
# and now let's work on the date format more, independently for every element

# sometimes the second element has an extra "," that we should remove
def remove_comma(str_list):
    str_list[1] = str_list[1].replace(",", "")
    return str_list

cleaning_node = Node(Function(input_names=["str_list"], 

# now we can extract year, month, day from our list and create ``datetime.datetim`` object
def datetime_format(date_list):
    import datetime
    # year is always the last
    year = int(date_list[2])
    #day and month can be in the first or second position
    # we can use datetime.datetime.strptime to convert name of the month to integer
        day = int(date_list[0])
        month = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_list[1], "%B").month
        day = int(date_list[1])
        month = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_list[0], "%B").month
    # and create datetime.datetime format
    return datetime.datetime(year, month, day)

datetime_node = Node(Function(input_names=["date_list"], 
# now we are ready to create JoinNode and sort the list of DOB

def sorting_dob(datetime_list):
    return datetime_list

sorting_node = JoinNode(Function(input_names=["datetime_list"], 
                    joinsource=split_node, # this is the node that used iterables for x
# and we're ready to create workflow

ex1_wf = Workflow(name="sorting_dob")
ex1_wf.connect(split_node, "split_list", cleaning_node, "str_list")
ex1_wf.connect(cleaning_node, "str_list_clean", datetime_node, "date_list")
ex1_wf.connect(datetime_node, "datetime", sorting_node, "datetime_list")
# you can check the graph
from IPython.display import Image
211017-17:58:36,124 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Generated workflow graph: /home/neuro/workshop_weizmann/workshop/nipype/notebooks/graph.png (graph2use=exec, simple_form=True).
# and run the workflow
ex1_res =
211017-17:58:36,146 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Workflow sorting_dob settings: ['check', 'execution', 'logging', 'monitoring']
211017-17:58:36,196 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
211017-17:58:36,198 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.splitting" in "/tmp/tmpa0k7vtmz/sorting_dob/_dob_string_12May1992/splitting".
211017-17:58:36,203 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "splitting" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,211 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.splitting".
211017-17:58:36,212 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "" in "/tmp/tmpgmwqmi56/sorting_dob/_dob_string_12May1992/cleaning".
211017-17:58:36,218 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "cleaning" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,228 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "".
211017-17:58:36,230 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.datetime" in "/tmp/tmpqbe44hu6/sorting_dob/_dob_string_12May1992/datetime".
211017-17:58:36,236 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "datetime" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,244 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.datetime".
211017-17:58:36,245 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.splitting" in "/tmp/tmp9bwk1yxq/sorting_dob/_dob_string_June6.1988/splitting".
211017-17:58:36,250 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "splitting" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,259 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.splitting".
211017-17:58:36,260 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "" in "/tmp/tmpm04ievem/sorting_dob/_dob_string_June6.1988/cleaning".
211017-17:58:36,267 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "cleaning" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,274 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "".
211017-17:58:36,275 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.datetime" in "/tmp/tmpdn4yyo_p/sorting_dob/_dob_string_June6.1988/datetime".
211017-17:58:36,281 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "datetime" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,287 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.datetime".
211017-17:58:36,288 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.splitting" in "/tmp/tmp_vulyv43/sorting_dob/_dob_string_April21782/splitting".
211017-17:58:36,293 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "splitting" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,303 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.splitting".
211017-17:58:36,304 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "" in "/tmp/tmp0fv63bai/sorting_dob/_dob_string_April21782/cleaning".
211017-17:58:36,309 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "cleaning" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,317 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "".
211017-17:58:36,318 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.datetime" in "/tmp/tmptwol95f9/sorting_dob/_dob_string_April21782/datetime".
211017-17:58:36,325 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "datetime" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,333 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.datetime".
211017-17:58:36,334 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.splitting" in "/tmp/tmpn88cyhvn/sorting_dob/_dob_string_March51990/splitting".
211017-17:58:36,340 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "splitting" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,348 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.splitting".
211017-17:58:36,350 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "" in "/tmp/tmpa9bspp1x/sorting_dob/_dob_string_March51990/cleaning".
211017-17:58:36,355 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "cleaning" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,366 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "".
211017-17:58:36,367 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.datetime" in "/tmp/tmpvt72jqs4/sorting_dob/_dob_string_March51990/datetime".
211017-17:58:36,378 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "datetime" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,383 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.datetime".
211017-17:58:36,384 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.splitting" in "/tmp/tmpa6t1_e00/sorting_dob/_dob_string_10February1984/splitting".
211017-17:58:36,391 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "splitting" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,399 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.splitting".
211017-17:58:36,401 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "" in "/tmp/tmp23sedoyp/sorting_dob/_dob_string_10February1984/cleaning".
211017-17:58:36,407 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "cleaning" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,415 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "".
211017-17:58:36,417 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.datetime" in "/tmp/tmpl6ko9goa/sorting_dob/_dob_string_10February1984/datetime".
211017-17:58:36,422 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "datetime" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,430 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.datetime".
211017-17:58:36,431 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "sorting_dob.sorting" in "/tmp/tmp4xnniix3/sorting_dob/sorting".
211017-17:58:36,442 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Running "sorting" ("nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function")
211017-17:58:36,447 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "sorting_dob.sorting".
# you can check list of all nodes
NodeView((sorting_dob.sorting, sorting_dob.splitting.aI.a0,, sorting_dob.datetime.a0, sorting_dob.splitting.aI.a1,, sorting_dob.datetime.a1, sorting_dob.splitting.aI.a2,, sorting_dob.datetime.a2, sorting_dob.splitting.aI.a3,, sorting_dob.datetime.a3, sorting_dob.splitting.aI.a4,, sorting_dob.datetime.a4))
# and check the results from sorting_dob.sorting
dob_sorted = [datetime.datetime(1782, 4, 2, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1984, 2, 10, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1988, 6, 6, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1990, 3, 5, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1992, 5, 12, 0, 0)]